
中国古诗精品三百首 汉英对照【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

中国古诗精品三百首 汉英对照
  • 许渊冲译 著
  • 出版社: 北京:北京大学出版社
  • ISBN:7301068026
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:609页
  • 文件大小:6MB
  • 文件页数:640页
  • 主题词:英语-对照读物,古典诗歌-汉、英


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〔诗经〕 Book of Poetry2

1.〔关雎〕 Cooing and Wooing2

〔周代〕 Zhou Dynasty(1112BC—256BC)2

2.〔静女〕 A Shepherdess6

3.〔君子于役〕 My Man Is Away8

4.〔葛生〕 An Elegy12

5.〔蒹葭〕 The Reed16

6.〔无衣〕 Comradeship20

7.〔月出〕 The Moon Rise24

8.〔采薇〕(选段) Home-Coming after War(Selection)26

9.〔酌〕 The Martial King28

屈原 Qu Yuan(340BC—278BC)30

10.〔离骚〕(选段) Sorrow after Departure(Selection)30

刘邦 Liu Bang(256BC—195BC)34

11.〔大风歌〕 Song of the Great Wind34

项羽 Xiang Yu(232BC—202BC)36

12.〔垓下歌〕 Xiang Yu's Last Song36

刘彻 Liu Che(156BC—87BC)38

13.〔秋风辞〕 Song of the Autumn Wind38

李延年 Li Yannian(?—87BC)40

14.〔北方有佳人〕 Song of the Northern Beauty40

班婕妤 Lady Ban42

15.〔怨歌行〕 To an Autumn Fan42

〔乐府〕 Music Bureau44

16.〔上邪〕 The Pledge44

17.〔江南〕 Gathering Lotus46

18.〔长歌行〕 A Slow Song48

19.〔枯鱼过河泣〕 Song of a Dried Fish50

20.〔悲歌〕 A Song of Grief52

无名氏 Anonymous54

21.〔青青河畔草〕 Green,Green Riverside Grass54

22.〔涉江采芙蓉〕 I Gather Lotus Blooms56

23.〔庭中有奇树〕 A Rare Tree58

24.〔迢迢牵牛星〕 The Cowherd Star60

25.〔回车驾言迈〕 I Turn My Carriage62

26.〔去者日以疏〕 The Bygone Times64

27.〔生年不满百〕 Few Live as Long66

28.〔客从远方来〕 A Guest68

29.〔明月何皎皎〕 How Bright70

30.〔步出城东门〕 I Stroll out of the East Gate72

31.〔观沧海〕 The Sea76

32.〔龟虽寿〕 Indomitable Soul78

33.〔赠从弟〕 The Pine—to My Cousin80

34.〔室思〕 A Wife's Thoughts82

35.〔杂诗七首〕(其四) Seven Poems(Ⅳ)84

36.〔七步诗〕 Written While Taking Seven Paces86

37.〔咏怀诗〕 Reflexions88

38.〔车遥遥篇〕 The Carriages Roll90

39.〔赠兄秀才从军〕 To My Brother Giving up the Pen for the Sword92

40.〔情诗〕 Love Poem94

张翰 Zhang Han96

41.〔思吴江歌〕 Thinking of the Eastern Stream96

42.〔兰亭诗〕 In Orchid Pavilion98

43.〔神情诗〕 Spirit of the Four Seasons100

44.〔归园田居〕(其三) Return to Nature(Ⅲ)102

45.〔饮酒〕(其五) Drinking Wine(Ⅴ)104

46.〔岁暮〕 The Year's End106

47—48.〔东阳溪中赠答〕 Exchange of Verse on the Stream108

49.〔梅花落〕 The Mume Blossoms110

50.〔临高台〕 On the Height112

51.〔伤谢朓〕 Lament for Xie Tiao114

52—55.〔六忆诗〕(四首) Six Recollections116

56.〔别诗〕 Farewell Town120

57.〔玉阶怨〕 Grief of a Lonely Palace Maid122

58—59.〔子夜歌〕 Midnight Songs124

60.〔酬范记室云〕 Reply to Fan Yun126

61.〔入若耶溪〕 On River Yoya128

王籍 Wang Ji128

62.〔晚出新亭〕 Leaving New Tower at Dusk130

63.〔关山月〕 The Moon over the Mountain Pass132

64.〔渡河北〕 Crossing the Yellow River to the North134

65.〔拟咏怀〕 Reflections136

66.〔重别周尚书〕 Parting Again with Secretary Zhou138

67.〔长安听百舌〕 On Hearing a Blackbird in the North140

68.〔玉树后庭花〕 Blooming Jade Trees in the Backyard142

69.〔野望〕 A Field View144

无名氏 Anonymous146

70.〔敕勒歌〕 A Shepherd's Song146

71.〔滕王阁〕 Prince Teng's Pavilion150

72.〔送杜少府之任蜀州〕 Farewell to Vice-Prefect Du152

73.〔在狱咏蝉〕 The Cicada Heard in Prison154

74—75.〔回乡偶书〕 Home-Coming156

76.〔送东莱王学士无竞〕 Parting Gift158

77.〔望月怀远〕 Gazing at the Moon and Longing for One Far Away160

78.〔经鲁祭孔子而叹之〕 Sacrifice to Confucius162

79.〔凉州词〕 Starting for the Front164

80.〔登鹳雀楼〕 On the Stork Tower166

81.〔凉州词〕 Out of the Great Wall168

82.〔春晓〕 Spring Morning170

83.〔过故人庄〕 Visiting an Old Friend172

84.〔从军行〕 Army Life174

85.〔闺怨〕 Sorrow of a Young Bride176

86.〔终南望积雪〕 Snow atop Southern Mountains178

87.〔汉江临泛〕 A View of the Han River180

88.〔鸟鸣涧〕 The Dale of Singing Birds182

89.〔相思〕 Love Seeds184

90.〔九月九日忆山东兄弟〕 Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain Climbing Day186

91.〔渭城曲〕 A Farewell Song188

92.〔静夜思〕 A Tranquil Night190

93.〔望庐山瀑布〕 Cataract on Mount Lu192

94.〔黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵〕 Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower194

95.〔早发白帝城〕 Leaving the White King's Town at Dawn196

96.〔秋浦歌〕 My White Hair198

97.〔送友人〕 Farewell to a Friend200

98.〔自遣〕 Solitude202

99.〔阙题〕 A Scholar's Retreat204

徐安贞 Xu Artzhen206

100.〔闻邻家理筝〕 My Neighbor's Lute206

101.〔黄鹤楼〕 Yellow Crane Tower208

102.〔别董大〕 Farewell to a Lutist210

103.〔逢雪宿芙蓉山主人〕 Seeking Shelter in Lotus Hill on a Snowy Night212

104.〔望岳〕 Gazing at Mount Tai214

105.〔饮中八仙歌之一〕 One of the Eight Immortal Drinkers216

刘桢 Liu Zhen(?—217

106.〔八阵图〕 The Stone Fortress218

徐幹 Xu Gan(171—218

曹操 Cao Cao(155—220

〔汉代〕 Han Dynasty(206BC—AD220

107.〔春望〕 Spring View220

108.〔江上〕 On the River222

109.〔秋兴〕 Ode to Autumn224

110.〔登高〕 On the Height226

111.〔江汉〕 On River Hant228

万楚 Wan Chu230

112.〔五日观妓〕 A Dancer at Dragon Boat Festival230

113.〔山房春事〕 Spring in a Deserted Garden232

曹植 Cao Zhi(192—232

114.〔春思〕 Spring Thoughts234

115.〔赠张云容舞〕 Dancing236

116.〔枫桥夜泊〕 Mooring by Maple Bridge at Night238

117.〔滁州西涧〕 On the West Stream of Chuzhou240

118.〔夜上受降城闻笛〕 On Hearing a Flute at Night atop the Victor's Wall242

119.〔塞下曲〕 A Border Song244

120.〔伤秋〕 Grief in Autumn246

121.〔游子吟〕 Song of the Parting Son248

122.〔登科后〕 Successful at the Civil Service Exam250

123.〔江边柳〕 To the Riverside Willow252

124.〔左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘〕 Written for My Grandnephew at the Blue Pass254

125.〔节妇吟〕 Reply of a Chaste Wife256

126.〔望夫石〕 Waiting for Her Husband258

127—129.〔燕子楼〕 The Pavilion of Swallows260

嵇康 Ji Kang(223—262

阮籍 Ruan Ji(210—263

130.〔春望词〕 Spring View264

131.〔石头城〕 The Town of Stone266

132.〔乌衣巷〕 The Street of Mansions268

133.〔柳枝词〕 The Willows270

134.〔饮酒看牡丹〕 Drinking before Peonies in Bloom272

135.〔赋得古原草送别〕 Grass on the Ancient Plain—Farewell to a Friend274

136—138.〔燕子楼〕 The Pavilion of Swallows276

傅玄 Fu Xuan(217—278

139.〔江雪〕 Fishing in Snow280

140.〔遣悲怀〕 To My Deceased Wife282

141.〔离思〕 Thinking of My Dear Departed284

142.〔寻隐者不遇〕 For an Absent Recluse286

143.〔题兴化寺园亭〕 My Lord's Garden288

144—145.〔悯农〕 The Peasants290

146.〔河满子〕 The Swan Song292

147.〔渡桑干〕 Farther North294

148.〔题都城南庄〕 Written in a Village South of the Capital296

149.〔马诗〕 Horse Poem298

150.〔咸阳城西楼晚眺〕 Gazing Afar in the Evening from the West Tower of Xianyang300

张华 Zhang Hua(232—300

151.〔题宣州开元寺水阁〕 Ruined Splendor302

152.〔惜春〕 Spring Abides Not304

153.〔赠别〕 Parting306

154.〔清明〕 The Day of Mourning for the Dead308

155.〔题情尽桥〕 The Bridge ofLove's End310

雍陶 Yong Tao(805—?)310

156.〔过分水岭〕 At the Watershed312

157.〔陇西行〕 The Riverside Battleground314

158.〔锦瑟〕 The Sad Zither316

159.〔乐游原〕 On the Plain ofTombs318

160—161.〔无题〕 To an Unnamed Lover320

162.〔无题〕 To an Unnamed Lover324

163.〔江楼感旧〕 On the Riverside Tower326

164.〔哭李商隐〕 Elegy on Li Shangyin328

165.〔自遣〕 For Myself330

166.〔金陵图〕 A Jinling Landscape332

167.〔题菊花〕 To the Chrysanthemum334

168.〔己亥岁〕 A Year of War336

169.〔春怨〕 A Complaint in Spring338

金昌绪 Jin Changxu338

170.〔金缕衣〕 The Golden Dress340

无名氏 Anonymous340

171.〔村行〕 In Banishment344

172.〔塞上〕 On the Frontier346

173.〔柳枝词〕 Willow Branch Song348

174.〔书河上亭壁〕 On the River350

175.〔梅花〕 To the Mume Blossom352

176.〔江上渔者〕 The Fisherman on the Stream354

177.〔无题〕 To One Unnamed356

178.〔落花〕 To the Fallen Flower358

179.〔鲁山山行〕 Roving in the Mountains360

180.〔丰乐亭游春〕 Before the Pavilion362

181.〔梦中作〕 Written in Dream364

182.〔过苏州〕 Passing by Suzhou366

183.〔相思〕 Nostalgia368

184.〔新晴山月〕 The Moon Viewed after Rain in the Mountain370

185.〔西楼〕 The West Tower372

186.〔元日〕 The Lunar New Year's Day374

187.〔泊船瓜洲〕 Moored at Melon Islet376

188.〔梅花〕 Mume Blossoms378

王羲之 Wang Xizhi(321—379

189.〔登飞来峰〕 On the Winged Peak380

190.〔春尽〕 At the End of Spring382

191.〔新晴〕 The First Fine Day after Rain384

192.〔题滕王阁〕 Prince Teng's Pavilion386

193.〔暑旱苦热〕 Drought and Heat388

194.〔春日偶成〕 Impromptu Lines on a Spring Day390

195.〔新城道上〕 On My Way to New Town392

196.〔饮湖上初晴后雨〕 Drinking at the Lake,First in Sunny,Then in Rainy Weather394

197.〔题西林壁〕 Written on the Wall of West Forest Temple396

198—199.〔纵笔〕 Impromptu Verse Written in Exile398

200.〔寄黄几复〕 To HuangJifu400

201—202.〔望君山〕 The Fairy Hills Viewed in Rain from Yueyang Tower402

203—204.〔题阳关图〕 A Picture of Farewell404

顾恺之 Gu Kaizhi(345—406

205.〔泗州东城晚望〕 Evening View from Sizhou406

206.〔初见嵩山〕 At First Sight of Mount Song408

207.〔十七日观潮〕 The Tidal Bore Viewed on the Seventeenth Day of the Eighth Moon410

208.〔绝句〕 A Quatrain412

209.〔春寒〕 The Chill of Spring414

210.〔游山西村〕 The Village West of the Hill416

211.〔沈园〕 The Garden of Shen418

212.〔风雨大作〕 The Storm on the Fourth Day of the Eleventh Moon420

213.〔示儿〕 Testament to My Son422

214.〔夏日田园杂兴〕 Rural Life in Summer424

215.〔潇湘图〕 A Picture of River Xiaoxiang426

陶潜 Tao Qian(365—427

216.〔晓出净慈寺〕 The West Lake428

217.〔观书有感〕 The Book430

218.〔题临安邸〕 Written at the New Capital432

谢灵运 Xie Lingyun(385—433

219.〔游园不值〕 Calling on a Friend without Meeting Him434

220.〔过零丁洋〕 Sailing on Lonely Ocean436

221.〔落花〕 Fallen Flowers440

222.〔居庸叠翠〕 The Mountain Pass442

223.〔山中月夕〕 A Moonlit Night in the Mountains444

224.〔窦娥怨〕(选段) The Unrighted Wrong(Selection)446

225.〔岳鄂王墓〕 The Tomb of General Yue Fei450

226.〔秋思〕 Autumn Thoughts452

227.〔西厢记〕(选段) Romance of the Western Bower(Selection)454

228.〔暮春游西湖北山〕 Late Spring on Northern Hills by West Lake456

229.〔挽文丞相〕 Elegy on Premier Wen Tianxiang458

230.〔归舟〕 On River Gan460

231.〔芦花被〕 A Quilt of Reed Catkins462

232.〔应教题梅〕 On Mume Blossoms464

233.〔西湖竹枝歌〕 West Lake's Bamboo Branch Song466

鲍照 Bao Zhan(414—466

234.〔石夫人〕 The Lady of Stone468

235.〔竹枝词〕 Bamboo Branch Song470

236.〔越歌〕 A Southern Song474

237.〔春蚕〕 The Silkworm476

238.〔岳阳楼〕 The Yueyang Tower478

239.〔雨后慰池上芙蓉〕 To Lotus Blooms after Rain480

240.〔梅花〕 To the Mume Blossom482

241.〔寻胡隐君〕 On a Visit484

242.〔赴广西别甥彭云路〕 For My Nephew486

243.〔石灰吟〕 Song to the Lime488

244.〔除夜宿太原寒甚〕 On a Cold New Year's Eve490

245.〔折花仕女〕 A Beauty Plucking Flowers492

246.〔新春日〕 A Spring Day494

247.〔感怀〕 Reflections496

248.〔石湖〕 The Lake of Stone498

谢朓 Xie Tiao(464—499

249.〔泛海〕 On a Stormy Sea500

250.〔秋望〕 Autumn on the Frontier502

范云 Fan Yun(451—503

251.〔古陵〕 Ancient Tombs504

252.〔重赠吴国宾〕 For a Home-Going Friend506

253.〔偶见〕 A Roadside View508

254.〔临江仙〕Riverside Daffodils510

255.〔秋日怀弟〕 Missing My Younger Brother on an Autumn Day512

沈约 Shen Yue(441—513

256.〔于郡城送明卿之江西〕 Farewell to a Banished Friend514

257.〔登泰山〕 On Mount Tai516

258.〔戚将军赠宝剑歌〕 General Qi's Sword518

何逊 He Xun(?—518

259.〔独坐〕 Sitting Alone520

260.〔晓征〕 March at Dawn522

261.〔牡丹亭〕(选段) The Peony Pavilion(Selection)524

262.〔夜泉〕Fountain in Moonlight526

263.〔读《牡丹亭》绝句〕 On Reading The Peony Pavilion528

冯小青 Feng Xiaoqing528

264.〔孟秋十三夜〕 On the 13th Night of the 7th Moon530

265.〔别云间〕 Adieu,My Homeland532

266.〔咏同心兰〕 The Orchid Flower536

267.〔临别口号〕 To My Readers before My Death538

268.〔阻雪〕 Stopped by Snow540

269.〔断肠诗哭亡姬乔氏〕 Heart-Broken Song542

270.〔上巳将过金陵〕 Passing by Jinling on the 3rd Day of the 3rd Moon544

271.〔自题桃花杨柳图〕 On a Picture of Peach Blossoms and Willow Trees546

272.〔西湖〕 West Lake548

萧衍 Xiao Yan(464—549

273.〔内人生日〕 On My Wife's Birthday550

274.〔雪中阁望〕 Snow Scene Viewed from the Pavilion552

275.〔悼亡〕 Elegy on My Deceased Wife554

276.〔来青轩雪〕 The Green Pavilion556

277.〔花前〕 Before the Flowers558

278.〔秦淮杂诗〕 On River Qinhuai560

279.〔长生殿〕(选段) Long Life Hall(Selection)562

阴铿 Yin Keng(?—565

280.〔桃花扇〕(选段) Peach Blossom Fan(Selection)566

陈宇王 Chen Yuwang570

281.〔《桃花扇传奇》题辞〕 On Reading Peach Blossom Fan570

282.〔舟中夜书所见〕 A Night Scene Viewed from a Boat572

283.〔秣陵怀古〕 On the Capital of Yore574

王褒 Wang Bao(513—576

284.〔秋暮吟望〕 Late Autumn576

285.〔竹石〕 Bamboo in the Rock578

286.〔潍县署中画竹〕 Written on a Picture of Bamboo580

庾信 Yu Xin(513—581

287.〔闻蛙〕 Hearing Frogs582

徐陵 Xu Ling(507—583

288.〔马嵬〕 On LadyYang584

289.〔遣兴〕 On Verse Writing586

290.〔鸡〕 The Chickens588

〔魏晋六朝〕 Wei,Jin Six Dynasties(220—589

291.〔推窗〕 On Pushing Open the Window590

292.〔哭聪娘〕 Elegy on My Wise Mistress592

韦鼎 Wei Ding(515—593

293.〔论诗〕 On Poetry594

敦敏 Dun Min596

294.〔赠曹雪芹〕 To Cao Xueqin596

295.〔江上竹枝词〕 Bamboo Branch Song on the River598

296.〔出嘉峪关感赋〕 The Westernmost Stronghold600

297〔己亥杂诗〕(之五) Miscellanies of the Year 1839(Ⅴ)602

298.〔己亥杂诗〕(之一二五) Miscellanies of the Year 1839(CXXV)604

陈叔宝 Chen Shubao(553—604

299.〔日本杂事诗〕 Mount Fuji in Japan606

300.〔晨登衡岳祝融峰〕 At Dawn atop the Highest Peak of the Southern Mountain608

杨广 Yang Guang(569—618

王勃 Wang Bo(650—676

骆宾王 Luo Binwang(?—684

陈子昂 Chen Ziang(661—702

刘眘虚 Liu Shenxu(fl.723

王翰 Wang Han(687—726

张九龄 Zhang Jiuling(673—740

孟浩然 Meng Haoran(689—740

王之涣 Wang Zhihuan(688—742

贺知章 He Zhizhang(659—744

祖咏 Zu Yong(699—746

张继 Zhang Ji(fl.753

崔颢 Cui Hao(704—754

杨玉环 Yang Yuhuan(719—756

王昌龄 Wang Changling(698—756

王维 Wang Wei(701—761

李白 Li Bai(701—762

李隆基 Li Longji(685—762

高适 Gao Shi(706—765

杜甫 Du Fu(712—770

岑参 Cen Shen(715—770

贾至 Jia Zhi(718—772

刘长卿 Liu Changqing(709—780

雍裕之 Yong Yuzhi(fl.785

韦应物 Wei Yingwu(737—789

刘皂 Liu Zao(fl.795

崔护 Cui Hu(fl.796

卢纶 Lu Lun(748—800

孟郊 Meng Jiao(751—814

李贺 Li He(790—816

张仲素 Zhang Zhongsu(769—819

柳宗元 Liu Zongyuan(773—819

韩愈 Han Yu(768—824

李益 Li Yi(748—827

张籍 Zhang Ji(768—830

元稹 Yuan Zhen(779—831

许浑 Xu Hun(fl.832

薛涛 Xue Tao(770—832

王建 Wang Jian(768—833

赵嘏 Zhao Jia(fl.842

刘禹锡 Liu Yuxi(772—842

贾岛 Jia Dao(779—843

李绅 Li Shen(772—846

白居易 Bai Juyi(772—846

张祜 Zhang Hu(?—849

崔珏 Cui Jue(fl.847—850

杜牧 Du Mu(803—852

李商隐 Li Shangyin(813—858

曹松 Cao Song(fl.860

温庭筠 Wen Tingyun(812—870

黄巢 Huang Chao(?—884

陈陶 Chen Tao(812—885

〔唐代〕 Tang Dynasty(618—907

罗隐 Luo Yin(833—909

韦庄 Wei Zhuang(836—910

柳开 Liu Kai(946—996

王禹偁 Wang Yucheng(945—1001

郑文宝 Zheng Wenbao(952—1012

寇准 Kou Zhun(961—1023

林逋 Lin Bu(967—1028

苏舜钦 Su Shunqin(1008—1048

范仲淹 Fan Zhongyan(989—1052

晏殊 Yan Shu(991—1055

王令 Wang Ling(1032—1059

李觏 Li Gou(1009—1059

梅尧臣 Mei Yaochen(1002—1060

宋祁 Song Qi(998—1062

欧阳修 Ouyang Xiu(1007—1072

郑獬 Zheng Xie(1022—1072

王安国 Wang Anguo(1028—1074

文同 Wen Tong(1018—1079

曾巩 Zeng Gong(1019—1083

程颢 Cheng Hao(1032—1085

王安石 Wang Anshi(1021—1086

刘攽 Lin Ban(1022—1088

秦观 Qin Guan(1049—1100

苏轼 Su Shi(1037—1101

陈师道 Chen Shidao(1053—1101

黄庭坚 Huang Tingjian(1045—1105

张耒 Zhang Lei(1052—1112

陈与义 Chen Yuyi(1090—1130

李清照 Li Qingzhao(1084—1151

林升 Lin Sheng(fl.1180

范成大 Fan Chengda(1126—1193

尤袤 You Mao(1127—1194

朱熹 Zhu Xi(1130—1200

杨万里 Yang Wanli(1127—1206

陆游 Lu You(1125—1210

叶绍翁 Ye Shaoweng(fl.1224

郝经 Hao Jing(1223—1275

〔宋代〕 Song Dynasty(960—1279

文天祥 Wen Tianxiang(1236—1282

刘因 Liu Yin(1240—1293

王实甫 Wang Shifu(c.1300

陈孚 Chen Fu(1240—1303

关汉卿 Guan Hanqing(?—1307

赵孟頫 Zhao Mengfu(1254—1322

扬载 Yang Zai(1271—1323

贯云石 Guan Yunshi(1286—1324

马致远 Ma Zhiyuan(1260—1334

揭傒斯 Jie Xisi(174—1344

虞集 Yu Ji(1272—1348

萨都刺 Sa Dula(1300—1355

王冕 Wang Mian(1287—1359

〔元代〕 Yuan Dynasty(1206—1368

杨维桢 Yang Weizhen(1296—1370

倪瓒 Ni Zao(1301—1374

高启 Gao Qi(1336—1374

刘基 Liu Ji(1311—1375

杨基 Yang Ji(1326—1378

宋濂 Song Lian(1310—1381

徐贲 Xu Bi(1335—1393

解缙 Xie Jin(1369—1415

于谦 Yu Qian(1398—1457

沈周 Shen Zhou(1427—1509

徐祯卿 Xu Zhenqing(1479—1511

唐寅 Tang Yin(1470—1523

祝允明 Zhu Yunming(1460—1526

王守仁 Wang Shouren(1472—1528

李梦阳 Li Mengyang(1473—1530

边贡 Bian Gong(1476—1532

王廷相 Wang Tingxiang(1474—1544

杨继盛 Yang Jisheng(1516—1555

杨慎 Yang Shen(1488—1559

文徵明 Wen Zhengming(1470—1559

李攀龙 Li Panlong(1514—1570

谢榛 Xie Zhen(1495—1575

戚继光 Qi Jiguang(1528—1587

王世贞 Wang Shizhen(1526—1590

李贽 Li Zhi(1527—1602

汤显祖 Tang Xianzu(1550—1616

袁中道 Yuan Zhongdao(1570—1623

〔明代〕 Ming Dynasty(1368—1644

夏完淳 Xia Wanchun(1631—1647

陈子龙 Chen Zilong(1608—1647

顾媚 Gu Mei(fl.1650

金圣叹 Jin Shengtan(1608—1661

柳如是 Liu Rushi(1618—1664

钱谦益 Qian Qianyi(1582—1664

吴伟业 Wu Weiye(1609—1672

龚鼎孳 Gong Dingzi(1615—1673

施润章 Shi Runzhang(1618—1683

吴嘉纪 Wu Jiaji(1618—1684

李渔 Li Yu(1611—1685

纳兰性德 Nalan Xingde(1655—1685

王夫之 Wang Fuzhi(1619—1692

屈大均 Qu Dajun(1630—1696

洪昇 Hong Sheng(1645—1704

朱彝尊 Zhu Yizun(1629—1709

王士祯 Wang Shizhen(1634—1711

孔尚任 Kong Shangren(1648—1718

查慎行 Zha Shenxing(1650—1720

倪瑞璇 Ni Ruixuan(1702—1732

赵执信 Zhao Zhixin(1662—1744

郑燮 Zheng xie(1693—1765

袁枚 Yuan Mei(1716—1798

赵翼 Zhao Yi(1727—1814

姚鼐 Yao Nai(1731—1815

龚自珍 Gong Zizhen(1792—1841

林则徐 Lin Zexu(1785—1850

谭嗣同 Tan Sitong(1865—1898

黄遵宪 Huang Zunxian(1848—1905

〔清代〕 Qing Dynasty(1616—1911
