抗日烽火中的歌 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 李双江主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:解放军文艺出版社
- ISBN:7503319720
- 出版时间:2006
- 标注页数:486页
- 文件大小:17MB
- 文件页数:512页
- 主题词:革命歌曲-中国-选集
抗日烽火中的歌 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载
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到敌人后方去 Go to the Enemy's Rear Areas——我军抗战的步履 Steps of Our Army in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggreasion3
八路军进行曲 March of the Eighth Route Army&公木词,郑律成曲 lyrics by Gongmu,music by Zheng Lucheng3
八路军军歌 The Military Anthem of Eighth Route Army&公木词,郑律成曲 lyrics by Gongmu,music by Zheng Lucheng10
新四军军歌 The Military Anthem of the New Fourth Army&陈毅等词,何士德曲 lyrics by Chen Yi etc.,music by He Shide17
游击队歌 Song of Guerrilla Forces&贺绿汀词曲 lyrica and music by He Luting25
到敌人后方去 Go to the Enemy's Rear Areas&赵启海词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Zhao Qihai,music by Xian Xinghai36
在太行山上 On the Taihang Mountains&桂涛声词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Gui Taosheng,music by Xian Xinghai44
别了,皖南 Farewell,Wannan&佚名词,任光曲 lyrics by an anonymous person,music by Ren Guang51
露营之歌 Song of Camping&李兆麟根据古曲填词 lyrics by Li Zhaolin according to an ancient song58
空室清野 Empty Rooms and Clear Fields&李伟词曲63
行军小唱 Song on the March&李伟词曲 lyrics and music by Li Wei69
黄桥烧饼歌 Song of Huangqiao Sesame Seed Cake&李增援词,章枚曲 lyrics by Li Zengyuan,music by Zhang Mei80
打个胜仗哈哈哈 Win a Battle,Ha Ha Ha&沈西蒙词,沈亚威曲 lyrics by Shen Ximeng,music by Shen Yawei86
没有共产党就没有新中国 No Communist Party,No New China&曹火星词曲 lyrics and music by Cao Huoxing92
抗日军政大学校歌 The School Song of Anti-Japanese Political and Military College&凯丰词,吕骥曲 lyrics by Kaifeng,music by Lu Ji99
炮兵进行曲 March of Artillery Soldiers&李伟词曲 lyrics and music by Li Wei106
南泥湾 Nanniwan&贺敬之词,马可曲 lyrics by He Jingzhi,music by Ma Ke111
拥军花鼓 Flower-Drum of Supporiting the Army&安波根据陕北民歌填词 lyrics by Anbo according to a Northern Shaanxi folk song117
胜利鼓舞 Celebration for the Victory&贺敬之词,刘炽曲 lyrics by He Jingzhi,music by Liu Chi123
练兵歌 Song of Training Troops&章洛词,洛辛曲 lyrics by Zhang Luo,music by luo Xin132
罗炳辉射击手 Shooter Luo Binghui&晓河词曲 lyrics and music by Xiaohe138
反攻进行曲 March of Counterattack&吴暇词,石磊曲 lyrics by Wu Xia,music by Shi Lei142
进军曲 Song of Advance&晓河词曲 lyrics and music by Xiaohe149
庆祝胜利 Celebrating the Victory&贺敬之词,李尼曲 lyrics by He Jingzhi,music by Li Ni155
延安颂 Ode to Yan'an——抗日民主根据地的歌声Songs from Anti-Japanese Democratic Bases163
延安颂 Ode to Yan'an&莫耶词,郑律成曲 lyrics by Moye,music by Zheng Lücheng163
二月里来 In February&塞克词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Saike,music by Xian Xinghai171
黄河颂 Ode to the Yellow River&光未然词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Guang Weiran,music by Xian Xinghai176
黄水谣 Ballad of the Yellow River&光未然词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Guang Weiran,music by Xian Xinghai187
黄河怨 Resentment of the Yellow River&光未然词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Guang Weiran,music by Xian Xinghai195
保卫黄河 Guard the Yellow River&光未然词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Guang Weiran,music by Xian Xinghai206
怒吼吧,黄河 Roar,the Yellow River&光未然词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Guang Weiran,music by Xian Xinghai222
朱德将军 General Zhu De&李伟词曲 lyrics and music by Li Wei240
军队与老百姓The Army and the People&张达观词曲 lyrics and music by Zhang Daguan246
参加八路军 Join the Eighth Route Army&崔嵬词,吕骥曲 lyrics by Cui Wei,music by lü Ji250
跟着共产党走 Follow the Communist Party&沙洪词,王久鸣曲 lyrics by Sha Hong,music by Wang Jiuming253
献花 Presenting Flowers&河北民歌 Hebei folk song259
绣金匾 Embroider a Silk Banner with Golden Thread&陕北民歌,佚名填词 Northern Shaanxi folk song,lyrics by an anonymous person265
八路好 The Eighth Route Army is Good&胡可词,徐曙曲 lyrics by Hu Ke,music by Xu Shu273
狼牙山五壮士 Five Heroes on the Langya Mountain&方冰词,劫夫曲 lyrics by Fang Bing,music by Jiefu278
歌唱二小放牛郎 A Song for the Child Cattle Herd Erxiao&方冰词,劫夫曲 lyrics by Fang Bing,music by Jiefu282
王禾小唱 A Song for Wang He&方冰词,劫夫曲 lyrics by Fang Bing,music by Jiefu287
晋察冀小姑娘 A Little Girl in Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Base&赵洵词,徐曙曲 lyrics by Zhao Xun,music by Xu Shu292
我们的铁骑兵 Our Cavalrymen&夏风词,劫夫曲 lyrics by Xia Feng,music by Jiefu315
站岗放哨歌 Song of Sentry&万德玉记,深泽采录 recorded by Wan Deyu,transcribed by Shenze319
让地雷活起来 Animate the Mines&郑红羽词,张非曲 lyrics by Zheng Hongyu,music by Zhang Fei323
团结就是力量 Unity is Power&牧虹词,卢肃曲 lyrics by Muhong,music by Lu Su327
雄鸡高声叫 High Crows the Rooster&路由词,安波曲 lyrics by Luyou,music by Anbo332
军民大生产 General Production of the Army and the People&张寒晖根据陇东民歌填词 lyrics by Zhang Hanhui according to a Longdong folk song340
大刀进行曲 March of Broadswords——抗日救亡歌咏运动 The Singing Movement on Resistance Against Japanese Aggression for National Salvation349
抗敌歌 Song of Resistance to the Enemy&黄自、韦瀚章词,黄自曲 lyrics by Huang Zi and Wei Hanzhang,music by Huang Zi349
旗正飘飘 Flags Are Fluttering&韦瀚章词,黄自曲 lyrics by Wei Hanzhang , music by Huang Zi359
毕业歌 Graduation Song&田汉词,聂耳曲 lyrics by Tian Han,music by Nie Er373
义勇军进行曲 March of the Volunteers&田汉词,聂耳曲 lyrics by Tian Han ,music by Nie Er380
铁蹄下的歌女 Singing Girls Under the Iron Hooves&许幸之词,聂耳曲 lyrics by Xu Xingzhi,music by Nie Er385
新编“九一八”小调 A New Tune of September 18th&崔嵬词,吕骥曲 lyrics by Cui Wei,music by Lü Ji390
救亡进行曲March of National Salvation&周钢鸣词,孙慎曲 lyrics by Zhou Gangming,music by Sun Shen396
五月的鲜花 Flowers in May&光未然词,阎述诗曲 lyrics by Guang Weiran,music by Yan Shushi410
救国军歌 Martial Song of National Salvation&塞克词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Saike,music by Xian Xinghai415
热血 Warm Blood&田汉词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Tian Han,music by Xian Xinghai420
只怕不抵抗 Only to Fear No Resistance&麦新词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Maixin,music by Xian Xinghai427
保卫国土 Guard Our Homelang&任钧词,张曙曲 lyrics by Ren Jun,music by Zhang Shu432
牺牲已到最后关头 Time to Sacrifice&麦新词,孟波曲 lyrics by Maixin,music by Meng Bo437
松花江上 On the Songhua River&张寒晖词曲 lyrics and music by Zhang Hanhui442
大刀进行曲 March of Broadswords&麦新词曲 lyrics and music by Maixin452
歌八百壮士 Sing for the Eight Hundred Warriors&桂涛声词,夏之秋曲 lyrics by Gui Taosheng,music by Xia Zhiqiu458
长城谣 Ballad of the Great Wall&潘孑农词,刘雪庵曲 lyrics by Pan Jienong,music by Liu Xue'an468
做棉衣 Making Cotton-Padded Clothes&桂涛声词,冼星海曲 lyrics by Gui Taosheng,music by Xian Xinghai473
嘉陵江上 On the Jialing River&端木蕻良词,贺绿汀曲 lyrics by Duanmu Hongliang,music by He Luting477
后记 Afterword483
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