

  • 马来西亚金龙鱼出版社编 著
  • 出版社: 深圳:海天出版社
  • ISBN:7806974326
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:219页
  • 文件大小:16MB
  • 文件页数:234页
  • 主题词:暂缺


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1 The Three Ants (Western Asia)三只蚂蚁(西亚)1

2 The Camel and the Fox (Persia)骆驼和狐狸(波斯)4

3 The Donkey and the Frog (Turkey)驴和蛙(土耳其)7

4 The Cat That Reformed (Turkey)改邪归正的猫(土耳其)10

5 The Swallow and the Sparrow (Turkey)燕子和麻雀(土耳其)13

6 The Eyesight of the Vulture (Western Asia)秃鹫的眼力(西亚)19

7 The Warbler in the Cage(Algeria)牢笼里的画眉鸟(阿尔及利亚)23

8 Wounds and Lies (Africa)创伤和欺骗(非洲)28

9 Now and Then(Sudan)此一时彼一时(苏丹)34

10 An Old Gardener and a Tortoise (Tunisia)园丁杀乌龟(突尼斯)38

11 The Dog and the Cat (Africa)狗和猫(非洲)42

12 The Baboon and the Dog(Africa)狒狒和狗(非洲)47

13 Seven Lions and a Cow(Africa)七只狮子和一头牛(非洲)51

14 The Wolf and the Hyena(Africa)狼和鬣狗(非洲)56

15 The Haughty Bat(South America)骄傲的蝙蝠(南美洲)64

16 The Lion That Wanted to be King(Argentina)想称王的雄狮(阿根廷)69

17 The Polite Rabbit (Mexico)有礼貌的兔子(墨西哥)77

18 Sei Zou and the White Rabbit(Japan)清藏和白兔(日本)81

19 The Two Frogs That Went Travelling(Japan)两只青蛙(日本)84

20 Boat Fare(Japan)摆渡费(日本)89

21 The Monkey and the Crab(Japan)猴子和螃蟹(日本)94

22 The Toad Looks for Food(Japan)贪心的后果(日本)97

23 One-eyed Men and Two-eyed Men(Japan)独眼人和双眼人(日本)103

24 The Old Man in a Basket(Nepal)留着有用(尼泊尔)109

25 Confessions(Pakistan)忏悔(巴基斯坦)116

26 The Clever Beauty(Afghanistan)聪明的美人(阿富汗)123

27 The Tree That Could Bear Fruit Three Times a Year(Afghanistan)一棵树能结三次果(阿富汗)126

28 The Two Wolves and the Lion (Afghanistan)130


29 The Boy and His Axe(Korea)男孩和斧头(朝鲜)137

30 The Smart Rabbit (Korea)兔子和狼(朝鲜)142

31 Precious Hands(Mongolia)宝贵的双手(蒙古)146

32 The Cockerel That Contested for Beauty(Mongolia)公鸡比美(蒙古)153

33 Finding a Husband for Miss Mouse(Myanmar)老鼠嫁女(缅甸)159

34 A Small Matter(Myanmar)小事情(缅甸)163

35 The Rabbit Tricks the Elephant and the Whale(Vietnam)兔子捉弄大象和鲸鱼(越南)170

36 The Greedy Badger(Asia)贪便宜的獾(亚洲)178

37 The Elephant and the Snake(Thailand)象和蛇(泰国)182

38 The Bear and the Tree God(Thailand)熊和树神(泰国)186

39 The Deer and the Tiger(Thailand)鹿和虎(泰国)190

40 The Dog That Had a Bad Friend(Thailand)狗误交坏朋友(泰国)193

41 The Men and the Monkeys(Thailand)人类和猴子(泰国)199

42 The Rabbit's Long Ears(Thailand)兔子的长耳朵(泰国)205

43 The Gold Chain(Malaysia)金链(马来西亚)208

44 The Over-confident Mousedeer(Indonesia)自以为是的鼠鹿(印尼)212
