

  • 李宗骥主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海科学普及出版社
  • ISBN:7542731130
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:366页
  • 文件大小:4MB
  • 文件页数:389页
  • 主题词:英语-词汇-高中-教学参考资料;英语-短语-高中-教学参考资料


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一、行为动作类 Action1

(一)努力 Trying Hard1

1.努力、争取做某事 try to do sth1


2.学习、练习做某事 learn to do sth2

3.为……做好准备 get ready for sth2

4.忙于、集中精力于 be busy with sth3

5.负责某事 be in charge of sth4

6.(充分)利用…… make use of sth5

7.处理、应付、应对…… deal with sth5

8.(没有……)勉强应付 do without6

10.跟随、追求…… follow sth7

9.执行、实行…… carry sth. out7

11.寻找、搜寻…… look forsth8

(二)观察、了解 Observing8

1.看到、发现某人做某事 find sb. do sth8

2.观察某人做某事 watch sb. do sth9

3.听(到)某人做某事 hear sb. do sth10

4.感觉到某人做某事 feel sb. do sth10

5.看、观看…… look at sth10

6.看到…… see sth11

7.调查…… look into11

8.询问…… ask after12

9.(在……)查阅、查找…… look sth. up(in…)12

1.赞同、同意…… agree with sth13

(三)观点、态度 Attitude13

2.反对…… be against sth14

3.强调…… call attention to sth14

4.宣布、声称…… declare sth15

5.……没有关系、不介意 don't mind15

6.当心、注意…… watch out for sth16

(四)经历 Experience17

1.经历…… go through sth17

2.做某事很困难 have difficulty in doing sth17

3.某人第一次做某事 do sth.for the first time18

4.遭受……(痛苦) undergo sth19

5.面临、正视…… face sth19

1.做成了某事 did sth20

(五)结果 Result20

2.未能做成某事 failed to do sth21

3.推迟(做)某事 delay doing sth21

4.导致、产生…… lead to sth22

5.实现…… realize sth22

6.克服、解决(困难……) overcome sth23

7.……起作用 ...work23

8.起……的作用 work as24

9.(开始)生效实行 come into force25

10.发生了某事 ...happen25

11.……出什么事了? ...happen to sb25

12.……出现 ...appear26

13.违反…… go against26

16.消除…… get rid of sth.……………………………………(28).27

14.遵守…… follow27

15.得到、获得…… get sth27

17.确认、证实…… confirm sth28

18.对……产生影响 have effect on sth29

(六)需求 Need29

1.需要…… need sth29

2.需要(某人)做某事 need sb. to do sth30

3.满足……的要求、需要 meet the need of31

(七)计划、安排 Planning31

1.打算(将要)做某事 be going to do sth31

2.安排某事 make a plan for sth33

(八)增减 Increasing and Decreasing33

1.增加…… increase sth33

3.把……加起来 add sth. up34

2.减少…… decrease sth34

4.把……(从……中)减去 take sth. from35

(九)选择 Choosing35

1.选择…… choose sth35

2.选举、选择某人为…… choose...as36

3.只能做某事 can only do sth37

(十)交流 Exchange37

1.与某人谈论某事 talk to sb. about sth37

2.与某人争论某事 argue with sb. about sth38

3.与……交流看法、观点 exchange views with sb39

4.回答…… reply to40

5.通知某人某事…… inform sb. of sth40

7.因……向某人道歉 apologize to sb. for sth41

6.感谢某人(做某事) thank sb. for sth41

8.(向某人)简单介绍…… tell sb. briefly about sth42

9.向某人介绍…… introduce...to sb42

10.(向某人)抱怨…… complain about43

11.给……留(带、记)口信 leave a message43

12.给……打电话 call sb44

13.教某人做某事 teach sb. how to do sth44

(十一)请求、允诺与拒绝 Request,Promise and Refuse44

1.让我们做某事吧 Let's do sth44

2.能请你做某事吗? Will you do sth.?45

3.向某人请求帮助 ask sb. for help46

4.向某人申请、要求…… apply to sb. for sth46

5.拒绝(做)某事 refuse to do sth47

6.答应做某事 agree to do sth48

7.不愿做某事 don't want to do sth48

8.允许(某人)做某事 let sb. do sth49

9.向某人保证…… give one's word to sb. to do sth49

10.遵守诺言 keep one's word50

(十二)批评、警告 Criticism and Warning51

1.就某事指责、批评某人 blame sb. for sth51

2.本(不)该做某事 should(not)have done sth52

3.就某事提醒、警告某人 remind sb. of sth52

(十三)建议、命令与要求 Suggestion and Advice53

1.建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth53

4.(主动)提出做某事 offer to do sth54

3.采纳某人的建议 take sb.'s advice54

2.向某人推荐…… suggest sth. to sb54

5.(做某事)怎么样? What about doing sth.?55

6.我能帮你吗? Can I help you?55

7.请随意 be at home56

(十四)相互关系 Relations56

1.与某人(建立、保持、失去)联系 get in touch with sb56

2.相配、合适 go well with57

3.适应…… be used to sth57

4.惹恼某人 make sb. angry58

5.把……连接起来 connect sth59

6.与……有牵连、关系 have sth. to do with59

8.摆脱…… get rid of60

7.无法比拟的、不能相提并论 can't compare with60

9.把……与……分开 keep...away from61

10.依赖某人做某事 rely on sth.(to do sth.)61

11.代替某人做某事 do sth. instead of sb62

12.帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth62

13.是……,而不是…… ...instead of63

14.用A代替B replace B with A63

15.……的替代物 an alternative to63

16.保护某人(不受……) protect sb. from64

17.与……相处、……进展 get along...with64

18.与……相处不好 not on good terms with65

19.干扰、影响某人 bother sb65

20.(对……)做出让步 give way to65

22.对……容忍、让步 put up with66

21.给某人添麻烦 cause trouble to sb66

23.拜访某人 visit sb67

24.用……瞄着、对着某人 point sth. at sb67

25.向某人提供…… provide sb. with68

26.(从某人处)得到…… get sth. from sb68

27.把……奉献给…… give sth. to69

28.把……留给、传给…… leave sth. to sb69

29.给……留下印象、打动…… impress sb70

30.(对……)采取措施 do sth.(with...)70

31.打败、战胜某人 beat sb71

32.……正在接近 be nearing72

33.承受…… bear sth72

2.犹豫地做某事 hesitate to do sth73

3.急急忙忙地做某事 do sth. in a hurry73

1.独自做某事 do sth. by oneself73

(十五)动作特征 Ways of Action73

4.认真、仔细地做某事 do sth. carefully74

5.做事很粗心 be careless74

6.突然做某事 do sth. suddenly75

7.碰巧做某事 happen to do sth75

(十六)日常活动 Daily Activities75

1.开始做某事 begin to do sth75

2.继续做某事 continue to do sth76

3.结束、停止…… finish doing sth77

4.散步 have a walk78

5.复习功课 go over one'S lessons78

7.出席、参加…… be present at79

6.参加(做)…… take part in sth79

8.收集、募集…… collect sth80

9.照顾、关心…… take care of sth80

10.冒……的风险 run the risk of81

11.……烧着了 ...burn81

12.运用、使用…… use sth81

13.记住…… learn sth. by heart82

14.报名参加…… enter for sth82

15.以……为职业 work as83

16.建起…… set sth. up83

17.损坏、破坏…… damage sth83

19.创造、发明…… invent sth84

18.节省、节约…… save sth84

20.生产、制造…… make sth85

21.失业 be out of work85

22.排队 line up86

23.打开(关闭)开关 turn sth. on(off)86

24.某人拥有某物 sth. belong to sb86

25.入睡 go to sleep87

26.(某人)花……做某事 spend time doing sth87

27.养活自己 support oneself88

28.抚养、养活…… bring sb. up88

(十七)使役与变化 Imperative and Change89

1.把……变成(得)…… change...into89

5.要(使、派)某人做某事 make sb. do sth90

4.使……处于某种状态 keep sth90

2.使某人成为…… make sb90

3.变得越来越好…… get more and more90

6. 要求某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth91

7.使某人不能做某事 keep sb. from doing sth92

8.想要某人做某事 want sb. to do sth92

9.说服某人(做某事) persuade sb. to do sth93

10.使某人摆脱…… get sb. out of93

11.激励某人(做某事) encourage sb. to do sth94

12.改进、改善…… make sth. better94

13.使某人感到疲劳、厌倦 make sb. tired95

14.(……)溶解、融化(……) dissolve95

15.(使)……升高 (make)...rise96

17.(使)……加紧、加快 hurry(...)up97

16.(使)……躺下 (make)...lie down97

(十八)能力 Ability98

1.能做某事 be able to do sth98

2.拿手、在行 be good at sth99

3.做……很差、不在行 be poor at sth99

(十九)状态与特点 State and Characteristics99

1.在进行之中 be going on99

2.穿着…… wear sth100

3.比估计得更…… more...than thought100

4.领先、比……更好 better than100

(二十)旅行 Travel101

1.出发(去某地) leave for101

2.回来(到某地) be back to101

4.(迷、问、指)路 lose the way102

3.到达某地 get to102

5.向左(右)转 turn left103

6.来自…… be from103

7.带某人来(去)某处 bring(take)sb. to a place103

8.旅行、旅游 travel(to,in,round...)104

(二十一)疾病 illness105

1.感冒了 have a cold105

2.(因……)病倒了 be down with105

5.感到(……)疼痛 get hurt106

1.处于、保持……(状态) be,etc106

(二十二)联系动词 Linking Verbs106

4.(背部、胸部、手臂……)疼 have a pain in106

3.(牙、胃、头……)疼 have a toothache106

2.变得…… become,etc107

3.感官类 look,etc107

(二十三)强调结构 Emphasizing108

1.正是…… It is...that(who)108

二、主观意识类 Subjective Senses109

(一)兴趣与爱好 Interests and Favorites109

1、喜欢……、对……有兴趣 have interest in sth109

2、喜欢、赞赏、欣赏…… enjoy sth110

3、更喜欢(做)……,宁愿…… like sth. better111

4、讨厌、不喜欢…… hate sth111

(二)情绪 Emotion112

1.心情好 be in a good mood112

5、做……很有趣 it is...to do sth112

2.生气、不高兴 be angry113

3.过得很开心 have a good time113

4.感到失望、灰心 be disappointed114

(三)感受与意识 Feelings and Senses114

1.意识到、了解某事 know sth114

2.……引起某人的注意 come to sb.'s notice115

3.熟悉…… be familiar with sth116

4.理解、明白某人的话…… understand sth116

5.担心、唯恐…… be anxious about sth117

6.为……感到骄傲、自豪 be proud of sth117

9.感到不知所措 be at a loss118

8.为……担心 be worried about sth118

7.为……而感到…… be...to do sth118

(四)愿望与决心 Desire and Determination119

1.想(喜欢)做某事 want to do sth119

2.希望做某事 hope to do sth119

3.希望…… hope that120

4.迫切想做某事 be eager to do sth121

5.决定(心)做某事 decide to do sth122

6.坚持(做)某事 keep doing sth122

7.有意、故意做某事 mean to do sth123

8.敢做某事 dare do sth123

9.等待、期待…… expect sth124

(五)思考与判断 Thought and Judgment125

1.做某事值得、有好处 It's good to do sth125

3.(做某事)没有用 It's no use doing sth126

2.对……有坏处 be bad for126

4.(……)对某人很重要 be important to sb127

5.把……看成…… think of...as127

6.对某事加以考虑 consider sth. carefully128

7.对……不加考虑、忽视 give no thought to sth129

8.最好做某事 better to do sth130

9.一定会(能)做某事 be sure to do sth130

10.相信、肯定…… believe130

11.怀疑(某人做)某事 doubt whether132

12.相信、信仰…… believe in133

13.毫无疑问 no doubt133

15.回顾、回想…… think back to sth134

14.想出、想到…… think of sth134

16.把……错当成…… mistake...for135

17.我认为(不)是这样 I(don't)think so135

18.预言…… predict sth136

19.不足为奇 no wonder136

20.(某人)该做某事了 It's time for sth137

21.认为……怎么样 What do you think of137

(六)目的与结果 Aim and Result138

1.避免做某事 keep from doing sth138

2.避免、错过了…… miss doing sth138

3.保证、确保…… make sure to do sth139

4.为了、为的是…… do sth. in order to do sth139

6.却、反而、不料…… only to do sth140

7.使某人更……地做某事 make it...for sb. to do sth140

5.以便能…… do sth. so as to do sth140

8.越……,越…… the more...,the more141

9.为……(的利益) for141

(七)可能与推测 Possibility and Guesses142

1.可能做某事 be possible to do sth142

2.不可能做某事 can't do sth142

3.一定(不)是…… must be...,不可能是 can't be143

一定在做某事 must be doing sth.,不可能在做某事 can't be doing sth143

4.一定(不可能)在做…… must have done sth143

can't have done sth143

5.不知道、吃不准…… don't know whether144

6.据说、听说 be told that144

7.据说(估计)某人…… It is said that sb144

1.现在、近来、目前 at present146

2.等一会儿 soon146

三、情态修饰类 Description of Status146

(一)时间 Time146

3.立即、马上、不久 at once147

4.永远 forever147

5.一年到头 all the year round148

6.以前、曾经 before148

7.在过去的几年中 in the past few years148

8.今后、未来的几年中 in the years to come149

9.再要……(时间、数量)…… more149

10.早晚,总有一天 sooner or later150

11.从那时起,那时以来 since then150

14.过了……才…… It was not until...that151

13.一些时间 some time151

12.以后、再过…… some time more151

15.到现在已经……(时间) It is...since152

16.一…,就…… as soon as152

(二)频度 Frequency153

1.经常 often153

2.总是 always153

3.持续地、反复地 continually154

4.不时地 sometimes154

(三)方式 Way155

1.一遍又一遍地 again and again155

6.多长间隔…… how often155

5.每隔……时间、距离 every155

2.迅速、很快 quickly156

3.以……的方法做某事 do sth. in the...way156

4.再一次 once again157

5.提前 ahead of time157

6.总的说来 generally speaking158

7.说实话、坦率地说 to be frank159

8.尽可能……地做某事 do sth. as...as possible159

(四)数量 Quantity160

1.许多 many160

2.一些 some161

3.很少 few161

2.首先、其次、……最后 first,secondly,...finally162

3.最后、终于 finally162

(五)次序 Order162

1.首先、起初 at first162

4.以……的顺序 in the order of163

(六)地点、位置 Place and Location163

1.世界各地 all over the world163

2.接近、紧靠 close to163

3.位于…… be located at164

4.在……的末尾 at the end of164

5.在……的顶上 at the top of164

6.面对、朝向…… face to165

7.在……的前面 before165

(七)状态 Status166

1.高(长、宽)……米 ...meters high166

8.在……的后面 behind166

2.各种种类的 all kinds of167

3.……不复存在 no more of167

4.……处于完好状态 be in good condition168

5.……看起来…… look168

6.装满……的 be full of169

(八)原因 Cause169

1.由于、幸亏…… because169

(九)程度 Degree170

1.极其、非常 very170

2.……,足以做某事 ...(adj.,adv)enough to do sth170

3.太……,几乎不能做某事 too...to do sth171

4.多少、某种程度 more or less171

1.尽管 in spite of172

(十一)条件 Condition172

1.至于、说到…… speaking of172

(十)关系 Relation172

2.无论如何 by all means173

3.决不 never173

4.除非…… unless174

5.只要…… as long as174

6.要不是……、幸亏…… but for175

7.要……,才能…… have to do sth. to do sth175

8.不需要……就能…… can do sth. without doing sth176

9.尽管、不论…… though176

10.不仅要…… It's not enough to do sth176

(十二)性质 Nature177

1.重要的、关键的 important177

4.一流的、出色的 perfect178

2.必需的,不可少的 necessary178

3.严重的 serious178

5.差的、拙劣的 poor179

6.正确、准确的 correct179

7.普通的 common180

8.因……而著名 be famous for180

9.有资格的、适合的 be fit for180

10.显然、值得注意的是 It's remarkable to note181

11.合适于…… be suitable181

12.由……组成 consist of182

13.……组成了……… ...make up182

14.允许、容得……,留有……的余地 leave room for182

15.缺乏…… be short of183

16.存在与……之中 lie in184

17.众所周知 as is known to all184

18.据我所知(记得、……)…… as far as sb. remembers184

19.除……之外、还有 besides185

20.除……之外,例外 except186

21.表明、意味着…… suggest186

22.以……的名义 in the name of187

23.例如、以……为例 for example188

24.以……为基础 base sth. on188

(十三)范围 Scope188

1.包括…… range from...to188



四、练习 Exercises190












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