
- 张开望,唐汉群编著 著
- 出版社: 武汉:武汉测绘科技大学出版社
- ISBN:7810305794
- 出版时间:1998
- 标注页数:422页
- 文件大小:10MB
- 文件页数:442页
- 主题词:
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第一部分 情景会话 Situational Conversations3
单元1 货币和通货膨胀 Money and Inflation3
1-1 货币过时了吗? Is Money Obsolete?3
1-2 银根紧缩政策 Tight Money Policies8
1-3 Passage:Money Supply and Inflation11
单元2 银行业 Banking16
2-1 谈谈银行业务上的一些问题 Talking about the Banking Matters16
2-2 Passage:Bank Services21
单元3 银行 Banks26
3-1 银行都是一样的吗? Are All Banks the Same?26
3-2 Passage:Commercial Banks31
4-1 银行业的巨大变化 Great Changes in Banking35
单元4 电脑化的银行业 Electronic Banking35
4-2 银行的计算机系统 The Bank s Computer System42
4-3 Passage:Electronic Funds Transfer46
单元5 信用工具 Credit Instruments49
5-1 有多少种信用工具? How Many Credit Instruments Do We Have?49
5-2 Passage:What is Commercial Paper?56
单元6 信用证 Letters of Credit59
6-1 跟单信用证 Documentary Letters of Credit59
6-2 Passage:Essentials of Documentary Letters of Credit63
单元7 托收 Collection68
7-1 跟单托收 Documentary Collections68
7-2 办理支票托收 Sending a Check for Collection73
7-3 Passage:International Collections76
8-1 开立储蓄账户 Opening a Savings Account79
单元8 开户 Opening an Account79
8-2 开立往来账户 Opening a Current Account82
8-3 开立可转让支付命令的活期存款账户 Opening a NOW Account84
8-4 Passage:Checking Accounts87
单元9 货币兑换 Money Changing91
9-1 兑换外币 Exhcanging Foreign Currency91
9-2 退汇 Handling Reconversion93
9-3 购买旅行支票 Buying Traveler s Checks95
单元10 贷款及抵押贷款 Loans and Mortages101
10-1 申请汽车贷款 Asking for an Auto Loan101
10-2 申请抵押贷款 Applying for a Mortgage Loan105
10-3 Passagc:Consumer Loans and Commercial Loans111
11-1 办理汇出汇款 Handling Outgoing Remittance114
单元11 国际货币流通 International Movement of Currency114
11-2 询问从国外汇款 Incoming Remittance117
11-3 Passage:Elements and Ways of International Money Transfer120
单元12 信托服务 Trust Services123
12-1 信托部提供的服务项目 Services Offered by the Trust Department123
12-2 Passage:The Japanese Trust Bank128
单元13 国际租赁 International Leasing131
13-1 议订设备租约 Negotiating a Lease of Equipment131
13-2 Passage:Financial Lease and Operating Lease135
单元14 国际收支 Balance of International Payments139
14-1 顺差与逆差 Surplus and Deficit139
14-2 Passage:The Balance-of-Payments Accounts143
单元15 外汇 Foreign Exhcange147
15-1 外汇管制 Exchange Controls147
15-2 Passage:Exhcange Market and Exchange Rate152
16-1 谈论投资股票 Talking about Investment in Stock156
单元16 投资 Investment156
16-2 谈论资金 Talking about Capital161
16-3 Portfolio 指的是什么? What Does Portfolio Mean?167
第二部分 应用文 Practical Writings173
单元1 银行业务文书 Banking Papers173
1-1 贷款合约 Loan Agreement173
单元2 保险业务文书 Insurance Papers195
2-1 偷盗保险单 Burglary Policy195
2-2 个人意外保险单 Personal Accident Policy209
单元3 建立代理关系信函 Letters on Establishment of Agency Relationship221
单元4 会计信函 Letters on Accounting227
单元5 资信调查信函 Letters on Credit Inquiry233
单元6 资金拆放信函 Letters on Loan Offer237
单元7 汇票信函 Letters on Draft243
单元8 托收信函 Letters on Collection252
单元9 担保书信函 Letters on Letter of Guarantee256
单元10 信用证信函 Letters on Letter of Credit260
单元11 电传 TELEX268
11-1 电传格式 The Layout of Telex268
11-2 如何拟电传文稿 How to Compose Telex Messages270
11-3 电传实例 Examples of Telex270
11-4 电传常用例句 Some Useful Sentences in Telex280
单元12 传真 Fax or Facsimile285
12-1 简介 Introduction285
12-2 传真格式及文稿 The Layout and Message286
12-3 传真实例 Examples of Fax288
单元13 金融杂件 Financial Papers304
13-1 通告和启事 Notices and Announcements304
13-2 报告书 Reports307
第三部分 常用词汇 Useful Vocabulary321
单元1 金融英语常用词汇 Current Vocabulary of Finance321
第四部分 相关知识 Related Information385
单元1 国际金融背景知识 Background of International Finance385
1-1 国际收支 Balance of Payments385
1-3 道琼斯股票指数 Dow Jones Index(Averages)387
1-4 金汇兑本位制 Gold Exchange Standard388
1-5 外汇和汇率 Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate389
1-6 外汇管制 Foreign Exchange Control390
1-7 财政赤字 Budget Deficit391
1-8 欧洲美元 Eurodollars392
1-9 黄金储备 Gold Reserve393
1-10 特别提款权 Special Drawing Rights—SDRs393
1-11 布雷顿森林会议 Bretton Woods Conference394
单元2 国际经济机构 International Economic Organizations396
2-1 经济合作与发展组织 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development-OECD396
2-2 西欧“共同市场” European Economic Community-EEC(Common Market)398
2-3 国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Fund—IMF399
2-4 十国集团 Group of Ten401
2-5 国际复兴开发银行 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development—IBRD401
2-6 国际金融公司 International Finance Corporation—IFC402
2-7 国际开发协会 International Development Association—IDA404
2-8 国际清算银行 Bank of International Settlements—BIS405
单元3 金融函电常用例句和段落 Some Usual Sentences and Paragraphs in Banking Letters and Telegrams407
3-1 有关信用证的常用例句和段落 Some Useful Sentences and Paragraphs on Letter of Credit407
3-2 有关付款的常用例句和段落 Some Useful Sentences and Paragraphs on Payment412
3-3 有关催款的常用例句及段落 Some Useful Sentences and Paragraphs on Requesting Payment416
3-4 有关保险的常用例句和段落 Some Useful Sentences and Paragraphs on Insurance419
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