中学生英汉阅读快车 科技短文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 邓和刚主编 著
- 出版社: 成都:四川辞书出版社
- ISBN:7805439516
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:202页
- 文件大小:14MB
- 文件页数:210页
- 主题词:暂缺
中学生英汉阅读快车 科技短文PDF格式电子书版下载
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1.少年比尔·盖茨Bill Gates in His Boyhood2
2.眼睛——开启财富大门的钥匙Get Money Through Your Eyes7
3.很酷的速度Cool Runnings9
4.昂贵的电子像框Pricey Portrait Frame11
5.让每个孩子都拥有一台膝上电脑A Laptop for Every Kid13
6.新型膝上电脑New Knee-top PCs17
7.计算机臭虫Computer Bug20
8.防止千年虫秘诀Tips to Prevent from the Y2K23
9.多功能小玩意All-in-One Gizmo26
10.最聪明的电子产品(一)The Smartest Machines(Ⅰ)30
11.最聪明的电子产品(二)The Smartest Machines(Ⅱ)33
12.最愚蠢的电子产品The Dumbest Machines36
13.个人电脑?把它们忘掉吧!PCs? Forget Em!38
14.发展中的中国联想China s Legend in the Making41
15.无须眯眼Squint No More45
16.网上电话Internet Answering Machine47
17.散发香味的电子邮件Fragrant E-mail49
18.互联网上的手表和洗衣机Watches and Washing Machines on the Line52
19.鼠标一点,商品到家From Your Mouse to Your House56
20.网上求职Finding Work Through the Web59
21.到免费主页做广告Go Forth and Advertise61
22.新一代全球通GSM in the Making64
23.在互联网上猎头Headhunting on the World Wide Web67
24.内网与外网The Intranet and the Extranet69
25.电脑警察对付网际诈骗SEC Hiring Cybercops to Police“Net Fraud”72
26.黑客下一个目标是谁?Who s Next?74
27.追捕黑客If We Find Them, They ll Pay77
28.致富网Get Rich.com80
29.靠高科技走路A High-Tech Walking83
30.他是域名的主人He s the Master of His Domain Name86
31.宽带网站:快速又精彩Broadband Websites: Fast and Fabulous89
32.编织无线网络Weaving the Wireless Web94
33.无线欢呼Cordless Capers98
34.爱因斯坦——世纪伟人Einstein Tops the List102
天文 物理Astronomy and Physics102
35.航天飞机The Space Shuttle105
36.国际空间站International Space Station107
37.太空垃圾Space Litter110
38.继续寻找火星人NASA Still Searching for Martians112
39.遭遇UFO Three Kinds of Encounters114
40.准备进入超大型客机时代Getting Ready for the Super-Jumbo Era116
41.美国航天局结束搜索“登陆者”NASA Ends Search for Lander120
42.外星人的智慧Alien Intelligence123
43.失而复得的太阳观测卫星Lost and Found in Orbit126
44.让光跑得和乌龟一样慢Slowing Down the Speed of Light130
45.音速之花Sonic Bloom133
46.人造鱼Fishy Business135
47.纳米技术The Use of Nanotechnology137
48.基因——开启智慧之门的钥匙Get Smart141
49.我们应当克隆人吗?Should We Clone Human?144
50.人造生物Contrived Creature148
51.生物蛋白的秘密The Secret of Proteins150
53.鼻子知道区分左右The Nose Knows Left from Right155
54.长着100只眼睛的飞虫The Fly with 100 Eyes157
55.艾滋病的根源The Origins of Disease160
56.使癌变得有序可循Cancer Made to Order163
57.我们能否根治感冒?Can We Cure Boldness and Cold?166
58.臭氧怎样影响植物生长?How Ozone Harms Plants?168
59.空气污染Air Pollution170
60.海洋母亲生病了Seasick Seas173
61.海洋生态危机An Ill Tide Up North176
62.中国“龙”龙年濒临灭顶之灾Chinese“Dragons”Face Extinction in the Year of Dragon179
63.巨型恐龙化石A Dinosaur with Altitude182
64.解救冰冻的毛象Free Woolly out of the Cold184
65.汽车与互联网Car and the Internet187
67.先生,请重新启动你的发动机Gentlemen, Please Reboot Your Engines192
68.梦幻汽车Dream Machines196
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