
第26届中国控制会议论文集 第2册【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

第26届中国控制会议论文集 第2册
  • 程代展,吴敏主编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787811240559
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:801页
  • 文件大小:434MB
  • 文件页数:814页
  • 主题词:自动控制理论-文集


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区域经济系统的模糊集成监控方法及仿真研究Fuzzy Integration Monitor Method in Regional Economic System and its Simulation&郑时,郑文,金霞2

二阶动力学系统的全维PD观测器设计Designof Full-order PD Observers for Second-order Dynamic Systems&王国胜,刘峰,梁冰,段广仁5

Eigenstructure Assignment in Second-order Linear Systems: A Parametric Design Method&Wang Guosheng, Liang Bing, Lv Qiang, Duan Guangren9

迭代反馈整定方法综述Overview of the Iterative Feedback Tuning&王卫红,侯忠生,金尚泰14

Delay-dependent Robust Passive Control for Uncertain Systems with Time-varying Delays&Qiu Jiqing, Gao Zhifeng, Shi Peng, Yang Hongjiu19

Robust Filtering and Fixed-lag Smoothing for Linear Uncertain System with Single Delayed Measurement&Zhao Hongguo, Zhang Huanshui, Zhang Chenghui, Song Xinmin23

一种基于M序列的噪声模型辨识方法A Method of Noise Model Identication Based on M-Series&李会军,王启刚,季刚,马增良28

SP(C+E+G+J)模型在市场经济控制与决策中的应用The Application of SP(C+E+G+J) Model for Market Economics System to Controlng and Decision&周泽南,贺仲雄31

基于过剩需求估计的动态资产分配策略Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategy Based on Estimated Excess Demand&甘敏,彭辉,梁亮35

时变时滞的Lurie型控制系统绝对稳定性分析Absolute Stabity Analysis for Lurie Control Systems with Time-varying Delay&赵峥嵘,王伟40

执行器失效不确定时滞系统的指数稳定保性能可靠控制Guaranteed Cost Reliable Control with Exponential Stabilization for Uncertain Delay Systems against Actu-ator Failure&滕青芳,范多旺44

Multivariate Perturbed Padé Approximation&Zheng Chengde, Zhang Huaguang49

仿人智能控制策略的研究Control Strategy of Human-LikeIntelligent Control&王培进,慕志强,马文明54

Stabity Analysis for Discrete-time Switched Systems Based on Multiple Lyapunov Functions&Li Huimin, Bai Xiaoming, Yang Xiaosong59

基于灰色系统理论的数字控制系统系数量化误差研究The Research of Coefficient Quantization Error in Digital Control System Based on Gray System Theory&王亮,汪秉文,郭一平62

基于状态空间模型的多时域预测控制系统的闭环特性On Closed-loop Property of State-space Model Based Multi-horizon Predictive Control System&孙鹤旭,梁涛,雷兆明66

线性奇异时滞系统的干扰解耦Disturbance Decoupng for Linear Singular Systems with Time Delay&冯俊娥,崔鹏71

仿真技术在企业物流系统规划中的应用Application of Simulation to the Logistics System Planning of Enterprises&赵刚,张贺76

The New Variable-period Sampng Scheme for Networked Control Systems with Random Time Delay Basedon BP Neural Network Prediction&Liu Jiangang, Liu Biyu, Zhang Ruifang, Li Meilan81

Further Results on Robust Stability/Stabilization of Uncertain Linear Delayed Systems&Zhang Xianming, Wu Min, She Jinhua, He Yong84

基于二维混合模型的最优重复控制Optimal Repetitive Control Based on TwDimensional Hybrid Model&兰永红,吴敏,佘锦华89

一类滞后奇异线性切换系统解的性态Behavious of Solutions for a Class of Linear Singular Switched Systems with Time Delay&谢湘生,胡刚93

Analyzing Quantization Eect of Digital Control SystembyCe Mapping Method&Wang Liang, Wang Bingwen, Guo Yiping97

区间变时滞切换系统的指数稳定分析Delay-dependent Exponential Stability of Switched Systems with the Interval Time-varying Delay&王东,王伟100

单亲遗传算法的最优群体规模Optimal Population Size for Parthengenetic Algorithm&贺勇105

Kalman Filtering in the Presence of State Space Equality Constraints&Gupta Nachi107

一类具有Markov跳变参数的不确定系统弹性滤波Resilient Filtering for Uncertain Systems with Markov Jump Parameters&何舒平,刘飞114

Distributed Remote Control System of UAV Based on Man-in-loop Real-time Operation&Zhang Fengqing, Kong Quancun119

Closed Form Solutions for Matrix Linear Systems Using Double Matrix Exponential Functions&Zhou Bin, Duan Guangren123

Controllability of Switched Linear Systems&Qiao Yupeng, Cheng Daizhan128

基于两足步行椅机器人的人在环中的助残机器人控制系统Human-in-the-loop Control System Based on the Biped Walking-chair Robot&唐矫燕,赵群飞,黄杰,杨汝清132

Stability and Stabilization of Discrete-time Linear Systems Over Networks with Control Input Quantization&Guo Yafeng, Li Shaoyuan137

Control System Development of the One-axis Hydraulic Road Simulator Using QFT&Kim Jin Wan, Xuan Dong Ji, Zhang Jing Yi, Kim Young Bae141

On the Trapping Region of the Trajectories of Chaotic Lorenz-type System&Sun Fengyun, Zhao Yi147

Time-Delay Dependent Robust Passive Control for a Class of Nonnear Time-Delay Systems&Yang Li, Zhang Qingling151

A Proof of the Discrete-Time KYP Lemma Using Semidenite Programming Duality&Cheng Yiping156

PMID Observer Design of Descriptor Linear Systems&Wu Aiguo, Duan Guangren161

A Simplied and Practical Life-Cycle Design System Based on Feature-Based Modeling&Xu Xiaoming, Deng Yi166

On All Sets of Optimal Controls for a Control System with State Feedback&Jimenez Serrano Eleazar, Araki Keijiro, Kusakabe Shigeru170

时延网络控制系统的协同设计方法研究The Integrated Design of Control and Scheduling for Networked Control System&纪志成,卢星海,谢林柏175

广义系统的同时镇定研究Simultaneous Stabilization for Singular Systems&马静,高志伟180

平方可积扰动下线性系统二次鲁棒最优控制Robust Quadratic Optimal Control for Uncertain Linear Systems with Square-integral Perturbation&王秀红,刘梦良185

Time-Lag Effect on the Capture Capability of Pursuit-Control&Wu Wenhai, Qu Jianling190

Complete Parametric Approach for Output Regulation Problems of Matr Second-Order Systems via FuInformation Feedback&Teng Yu, Wei Yiyin, Duan Guangren195

一类线性时不变广义系统的完全能观性Complete Observability of a Class of Linear Time-invariant Descriptor Systems&谭冲,张显200

供热锅炉控制决策管理系统的研究On Control Decision Management System for Heating Boilers&汪思源,王栋,邵诚,张润彤205

时变多面体系统的有限时间稳定性分析The Analysis of Finite-time Stability for Time Vaing Polytopic Systems&钟震,段广仁210

反馈线性时变多变量控制回路性能评价Linear Time-Variant Multivariable Feedback Control Loop Performance Assessment&张彤,王庆林215


基于有界性的非线性反馈指数稳定混沌同步Chaotic Synchronization of Exponent Stability by Nonlinear Feedback Based on the Bounded Property&陈明杰,王常虹,张红梅221

Inverse Optimal Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems&Ji Guojun226

广义下三角非线性系统的自适应输出跟踪Adaptive Output Tracking of Nonlinear Systems in General Lower-Triangular Form&王冰,季海波,奚宏生231

Comparisons of Two Sufcient Conditions for Chaos Synchronization&Cai Jianping, Wang Jiangen, Wu Xiaofeng, Chen Shuhui235

一类不确定非线性系统的二次稳定模糊控制Quadratically Stable Fuzzy Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems&杜贞斌,曲子芳,任俊义241

一类带有不确定性的时滞系统的鲁棒控制器设计Robust Controller Design for a Class of Time Delay Systems with Uncertainty&李树荣,杨青,薛秀莉245

The Stabity of Discrete Impulsive Control System&Liu Feng, Guan Zhihong, Wang Hua O250

高速公路匝道单神经元自适应PID控制器Self-adaptation PID Ramp Controller in Freeway Based on Single Neuron&韦彦秀,梁新荣254

Using Sequential Kalman Filters for State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems&Mohammadi S., Mohammadi A., Keivani H., Askari M.R., Kavehnia F., Ghanbarian M.M.258

五自由度无轴承异步电机的α阶逆系统解耦控制Decoupling Control of The 5 Degree-of-Freedom Bearingless Induction Motor Based on α-th Order InverseSystem Method&刘贤兴,董磊,范文进,孙宇新262

Nonlinear Control for Synchronization Scheme to Chaotic Fractional Order Chen-Lee Systems&Toossian Shandiz Heyday, Hajipoor Ahmad267

Impulsive Synchronization of Typical Hopeld Neural Networks&Zhang Qun, Jia Guanjun270

Output Feedback Asymptotic Stabilization of Nonholonomic Systems with Strong Nonnear Drifts&Wu Yuqiaug, Zong Guangdeng274

基于自适应“反步”法的火电厂单元机组协调控制Boiler-turbine Coordinated Control of Power Plant Based on the Adaptive Backstepping Method&王印松,田瑞丽,吕丽霞279

离轴式拖车移动机器人的路径跟踪控制Path Foowing Control of Tractor-trailers with Off-axleHitching&周火凤,马保离283

State Observers for Nonnear Dynamic Systems&Dong Ya287

Stabization of a Class of Nonlinear Switched Systems with Continuous-time and Discrete-time Subsytems&Bai Xiaoming, Li Huimin, Yang Xiaosong292

双臂自由漂浮空间机器人关节空间的增广变结构鲁棒控制Robust Variable Structure Control for Free-oating Space Robot System with Dual-Arms in Joints Space&陈力,唐晓腾294

具有未知死区和增益符号的自适应神经网络控制Adaptive Neural Network Control with Unknown Dead-Zone and Gain Sign&梅建东,张天平,王芹299

Global Synchronization of Complex Lur'e Networks&Li Zhongkui, Duan Zhisheng, Huang Lin304

一类离散双线性系统的全局渐近稳定控制Globally Asymptotically Stabilizing Control for a Class of Discrete-time Binear Systems&齐义文,张显309

Synchronization of Lur'e Networks with Time Delay&Xu Shiyun, Yang Ying, Huang Lin312

Optimal Nonlinear Dynamic Problem with Stochastic Impulse and Regular Control Laws&Yang Ruicheng, Huang Shiying, Qin Xuezhi316

A Two Level Non Linear Inverse Control Structure for Rotorcraft Trajectory Tracking Mora-Ca&mino Félix321

Attitude Control Based on the Lie-group Structure of Unit Quaternions&Han Dapeng, Wei Qing, Li Zexiang326

Adaptive Tracking Control for Uncertain Robot Manipulator with Additive Disturbance&Xian Bin332

输出概率密度函数鲁棒H∞跟踪控制Robust H∞ Tracking Control of Output Probabity Density Function&栾小丽,刘飞337

RBF-ARX Modeling and Predictive Control Strategy Applied to a Liquid Level System&Inoussa Garba, Peng Hui, Ren Lin342

Globally Asymptotical Controllability of Nonlinear Systems&Sun Yimin, Mei Shengwei347

A Fault-tolerant Controller for Unknown Nonlinear System Based on Neural Networks&Wang Wei, Li Jingjing, Zhang Qingzhen, Ren Zhang351

基于逆系统方法和模糊逻辑的导弹自动驾驶仪设计Nonlinear Autopilot Design based on Inversion System and Fuzzy Logic&李海军,黄显林,班晓军357

考虑状态时滞的SISO非线性系统输出干扰解耦控制Output Disturbance Decoupling Control of SISO Nonlinear Systems with Time Delay in State Variable&宾洋,陈恳,陈娜娜361

基于LQR的磁悬浮系统的变结构控制Variable Structure Control of A Maglev System Based on Linear Quadratic Regulator&张承慧,孙晓明,刘睿,刘志军367

Insensitizing Controls for Semilinear Evolution Systems&Yan Yuqing, Zhao Yi, Sun Fengyun371

基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的板球系统摩擦力估计Friction Estimation of Ball and Plate System Based on Extended Kalman Filter&张雪菲,田彦涛,王红睿,丁策375

Generating Hyperchaos via a Simple Periodic Forcing Signal&Li Yuxia, Tang Waace K.S., Chen Guanrong380

Input-to-state Stabilization of Feedforward Systems with Dynamic Uncertainties&Chen Tianshi, Huang Jie385

Model Reduction for a Class of Nonlinear Systems&Wang Jing, Huang Lin390

Hierarchy Modeng for Component-based Complex Control Software&Zhang Jing, Zhang Yunsheng, Xiang Fenghong395

Simulation Study on Tracking Control of Mobile Robot Based on Cascaded Adaptive Approach&Chen Pengcheng, Ji Zhicheng399

Generalized Point Wise Min-Norm Control Based on Control Lyapunov Functions&He Yuqing, Han Jianda404

一类线性耦合复杂混沌动力网络的实用同步准则A Practic Criterion on Synchronization of Linear Coupling Chaotic Complex Dynamical Network&刘杰409

Fault Tolerant Control Based on Sliding Mode Control Approach with Application to Water Tank System&Ra Youssef, Peng Hui415

Linearization of Switched Nonlinear Systems&Yuan Yanyan, Cheng Daizhan419

Stabilizing a Class of Dynamic Complex Networks Based on Decentrazed Control&Gao Qing, Liu Xian424

Stationary Set and Stability: a Case Study for Mechanical Systems with Discontinuities&Zheng Kai, Shen Tielong, Yao Yu429

基于线性微分包含的约束非线性系统双模预测控制Dual-mode Predictive Control of Constrained Nonlinear Systems via Linear Differenti Inclusion&赵敏,李少远434

电力系统一般非线性综合切换励磁控制Nonlinear Cordinated Switching Excitation Control of Power Systems&刘艳红,李春文,汤洪海439

Modeng Inverse-Hysteretic Systems Based on Expanded Input Space Tan&Yonghong, Zhao X444

不确定非线性系统的鲁棒耗散控制Robust Dissipative Control for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainties&曾涛,赵胜凯448

非线性微分代数系统的耗散Hamilton实现Dissipative Hamiltonian Reization of Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Systems&刘艳红,李春文452

The Passive Energy Tracking Control Law of the Compass Bipedal Robot&Liu Zhenze, Zhang Peijie, Tian Yantao, Zhou Changjiu457

Backstepping Based Constrained Control of Nonlinear Hydraulic Active Suspensions&Ma Miaomiao, Chen Hong, Cong Yanfeng463

Prevention of Limit Cycle for Nonlinear Control Systems with Parametric Uncertainties&Wang Yuan-Jay, Hsi Shu-I, Yen Ting-Ju, Liang Chih-Chung467

一类带有未知控制方向的三阶非线性系统的自适应输出反馈控制Adaptive Output Feedback for a Class of Three-order Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Control Directions&郑云峰,杜嘉立,孙洪波473

Adaptive Output-Feedback Control for Parametric Output-Feedback Nonlinear Systems with Additive OutputDerivative&Zheng Yunfeng, Du Jiali, Sun Hongbo478

Stability and Control of a Class of Constrained Hamiltonian Systems&Cai Xin, Wang Yuzhen, Sun Weiwei482

多重分形和商空间理论在蛋白质结构类分析中的应用Protein Structure Class Anysis Based on Multiactal and Quotient Space&郑婷婷,毛军军,吴涛,宋杰487

An Open-plus-closed-loop Control for Chaotic Mathieu-Duing Oscillator&Shen Jianhe, Chen Shuhui, Cai Jianping492

非完整移动机器人的集合镇定控制Set Stabilization of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots&杨杰,李世华497

An Iterative Learning Control with Agnment Initial Condition for a Class of Nonlinear Systems&Yang Zaiyue, Chan C.W.502

Numerical Realization of Plane CW Complexes under a Given ‘Flow Condition' in Gradient-like Morse-Smale Controlled Systems&Enomoto Ryuji, Hamaguchi Saori508

一类不确定非线性系统的鲁棒输出调节问题 Robust Output Regulation for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems&陈作贤,季海波,何德峰514

Control Location Selection Strategy for Power System Emergency Control& Zhang Xuemin, Mei Shengwei518

Solution of Singularity Problem in Motion Control of Acrobots&Lai Xuzhi, She Jinhua, Wu Min, Yang Simon X523

Stabillty of Polynomial Systems via Polynomial Lyapunov Functions&Qi Hongsheng, Cheng Daizhan528

PSO-based Parameter Estimation of Nonlinear Systems&Ye Meiying, Wang Xiaodong533

Nonlinear H∞ Control of Switched Homogeneous Nonlinear Systems&Zhang Lijun, Xue Suqin537


一类互联单调控制系统的全局渐近稳定性判据Global Asymptotic Stability Criteria for the Interconnection of Monotone Control Systems&孙超,何希勤543

具Modular结构的环状复杂网络模型及其同步能力A Modied Modular Ring Network and Its Synchronizability&刘杰,陆君安547

群体行为与自组织合作Collective Behaviors and Self-organizing Cooperation&王龙,伏锋,陈小杰,楚天广,谢广明553

A Prospective Study of the Price Behaviors of Chinese Stock Markets&Zheng Feng, Zhang Runtong, He Lingyun558

基于加权网络的Internet流量模型Internet Bandwidth Model Based on Weighed Networks&焦青,杨洪勇,吕海航563

机电复杂系统的智能控制Intelligent Control of Electromechanical Complex System&喻洪流,钱省三,关慎远568

Synchronization of Networked Systems and Laplacian-Spectrum Modication&Wu Jianxin, Qin Huashu, Hong Yiguang573

Distributed Consensus Control for Second-Order Agents with Fixed Topology and Time-Delay&Lin Peng, Jia Yingmin, Du Junping, Yuan Shiying577

连续碳酸化分解过程智能控制系统An Intelgent Control System for Continual Carbonation Decomposition Process&胡志坤,桂卫华,阳春华,张作良,王晓丽582

元胞自动机及其在兵力推演中的建模与仿真Ceular Automata and Their Applications in Combat Modeng&Simulation&邓方,陈杰,陈文颉,朱琳587

Derivative Feedback Control for Singular Systems&Ren Junchao, Zhang Qingling, Zhang Xuefeng592

基于网格的复杂战争系统仿真研究On Grid-based Complex Warfare System Simulation&李雄,党生596

Hopf Bifurcation Analysis in the Lorenz-type System&Yang Qigui, Liu Mengying601

Aggregation and Pattern Formation of Multi-Agent Systems&Chen Zhifu, Chu Tianguang606

群体动力学与协调控制Swarm Dynamics and Coordinated Control&楚天广,陈志福,王龙,谢广明611

基于势函数的具有多LEADER的多智能体系统的运动控制Movement Control of Multi-Agent System with Multiple Leader Based on Potential Function&王莉,陈增强,刘忠信,袁著祉616


Boundary Element Method for Boundary Control Problems&Yan Ningning621

Global Smooth Solutions for Quasilinear Wave Equation with Locally Internal Damping&Zhang Zhifei, Yao Pengfei626

Model Predictive Control of a Powder Coating Curing Process: an Appcation of the MPC@CB Software&Abid Kamel, Dufour Pascal, Bombard Isabelle, Laurent Pierre630

带有位势和不定阻尼项的板方程能量的衰减速率Energy Decay Rate of The Plate Equation With Potential and Indenite Damping&武英涛635

树形网络Timoshenko梁系统的镇定Stabilization of tree-shaped network of Timoshenko beams&韩忠杰,许跟起640

Asymptotic Stability of Software Systems with ReJuvenation Policy&Xu Houbao, Wang Junmin646

发展方程的周期能控性Periodic Controllability of Evolution Equations&李洪恒,张旭651

Riesz Basis Property for Generic Network of Strings&Guo Yanni, Xu Genqi, Yang Lingling656


一类脉冲跳变系统的最优控制Optimal Control Problems of Impulsive Jumping Transition Systems&郭磊661

On Exponential Stabity of Switched Systems with Delay: Multiple Lyapunov Functions Approach&Cong Shen, Qian Wei, Fei Shumin664

Reachabity Reazation for a Class of Switched Impulsive Control Systems by Means of Periodic Switchings&Ji Zhijian, Feng Gang, Guo Xiaoxia669

时滞切换系统指数稳定性分析:Lyapunov函数方法On Exponential Stability of Switched Systems with Delay: Lyapunov Function Approach&刘娟,钱伟,费树岷674

Converse Lyapunov Theorem for Switched Stability of Switched Linear Systems&Sun Zhendong678

一类离散时滞切换系统的鲁棒H∞控制Robust H∞ Control for a Class of Discrete Switched Systems with Uncertainties and Delays&韩彦武,汤红吉681

基于网络展开法研究标识之间的可达关系Reachable relation of markings analysis using net unfolding&王寿光685

一类线性切换系统的鲁棒状态反馈镇定Robust State Feedback Stabilization of a Class of Switched Linear Systems with Uncertainties&姬兴民690

一类分层非结构化P2P系统的随机优化Stochastic Optimization for a Class of Hierarchical Unstructured P2P System&徐陈锋,奚宏生,江琦,殷保群693

分层异构控制系统的构件化设计和交互作用语义描述Component-oriented Design and Interaction Semantics Description of Hierarchical Hybrid Control System&张晶,张云生697

一类二维Markov跳跃非线性时滞系统的镇定控制Stabilization Control for a Class of TwDimensional Markovian Jumping Nonnear Systems with Time-delays&赵平,康宇702

Optimization of Semi-Markov Switching State-space Control Processes for Network Communication Systems&Jiang Qi, Xi Hongsheng, Yin Baoqun707

脉冲切换随机系统的稳定性分析与鲁棒稳定化Analysis of Stability and Robust Stabilization for Impulsive Switched Stochastic Systems&杨莹,李俊民,陈国培712

Stochastic Stabilization of Markovian Jump Systems with State and Input Delays&Kang Yu716

线性系统可区分性的一些性质Properties on the Distinguishability of Linear Systems&楼红卫,司鹏娜721


不确定离散时滞系统分散鲁棒H∞控制:LMI方法Robust Decentralized H∞ Control for Uncertain Discrete Time-delay Systems: LMI Approach&桂卫华,陈宁,谢永芳725

基于状态反馈的关联Lurie控制系统参数绝对稳定性Parametric Absolute Stabity of Interconnected Lurie Systems Based on State Feedback&陈宁,桂卫华,刘碧玉730

基于比较原理的Lurie型组合系统的分散输出反馈镇定Output Feedback Stabilizing Composited Lurie Systems Based on the Comparison Principle&陈端来735

不确定关联大系统输出反馈分散鲁棒H∞控制Decentralized Robust H∞ Output Feedback Control for Interconnected Large-scale Systems with Uncertainties&蒋朝辉,桂卫华,谢永芳740

变参数时滞互联大系统的鲁棒跟踪控制Robust Tracking of Interconnected Systems with Uncertainties and Delays&倪茂林,李果745

炼油生产装置调度模型与算度研究On Scheduling Model and Algorithm of Production Units of Renery&赵小强,李战明,刘军748


非线性时变随机控制系统的能控性判据The Algebraic Criterion for Nonlinear Stochastic Control Systems which the Coeffiicient is Time-dependent&刘峰,彭实戈754

Adaptive State-Feedback Stabilization for High-Order Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Con-trol Coeffiicients&Tian Jie, Xie Xuejun757

Repeated N-Person Stochastic Cooperative Games:Superadditivity,Convexity&E Chengguo, Gao Zuofeng, Mao A762

Delay-Dependent Stabity and Stabilization for Uncertain Discrete Markovian Jump Singular Systems withMode-Dependent Time-Delay&Ma Shuping, Zhang Chenghui766

一种新的最优制导律A New Optimal Guidance Law&曾宪伟,方洋旺,伍友利,王洪强,刘加丛771

广义随机系统观测融合Kalman滤波器Measurement Fusion Kalman Filters for Descriptor Stochastic Systems&石莹775

随机反应扩散系统部分变元的依概率稳定性Stability in Probability of Partial Variables for Stochastic Reaction Diusion Systems&罗琦,张雨田779

State Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Stochtic Systems&Zhang Weihai, Yan Zhiguo784

具Markov参数的中立型Ito微分系统的指数稳定性Exponential Stabity of Ito Dierential Systems of Nutral pe with Markov Switching&刘宏亮,段广仁789

Impulsive Decentralized Stabilization of Stochtic Large-scale Systems&Yang Zhichun794

模型不确定非线性随机系统的鲁棒性能准则设计Robust Performance Rule Design for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems with Model Uncertainty&魏波,季海波,乌日娜798
