
大学英语四六级晨读经典365 秋日硕果篇【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

大学英语四六级晨读经典365 秋日硕果篇
  • 胡杨,李秀丽主编(中国地质大学江城学院) 著
  • 出版社: 北京:石油工业出版社
  • ISBN:750216331X
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:396页
  • 文件大小:78MB
  • 文件页数:406页
  • 主题词:英语-阅读教学-高等学校-水平考试-自学参考资料


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Unit 1 社会百态2

Day 185 Bottled Water and Tap Water—Which Is Healthier 瓶装水与自来水——哪种更健康?2

Day 186 How about Your Health—"Well" or "Wellness" 你的健康状况如何——“良好”还是“理想”6

Day 187 Older Parents'Fears 高龄父母的恐惧10

Day 188 Simplifying Dinner 宴会简单化14

Day 189 Benefits from Occasional Stress 从偶尔的压力中受益18

Day 190 Protect"Last Great Place" 保护好“最后的伟大地区”22

Day 191 Green Label 绿色标签26

Day 192 Replace"Opponent" with "Associate" 化敌为友31

Day 193 Oil beneath ANWR 北极国家野生保护区下的石油35

Day 194 Lead Deposits 铅沉淀39

Day 195 More Exercise 多做运动43

Day 196 Cold or Flu 感冒还是流感47

Day 197 Should America Own a Bomb? 美国人应当人手一枚氢弹吗?51

Day 198 Office Politics 办公室策略55

Day 199 Absence-mindness Leads to Forgetting 心不在焉导致健忘59

Day 200 How to Help the Next Generation 如何帮助下一代?63

Day 201 Which Kind of Graduates Companies Favor 公司青睐哪种类型的毕业生?67

Day 202 Teenage Drivers Caused High Death Rates 少年司机引发高死亡率71

Day 203 Absent-minded Peak Periods 健忘高峰期75

Day 204 Who Has the Custody Right to Children? 谁拥有对孩子的监护权?79

Day 205 The Genuine Heroes 真正的英雄83

Day 206 Weight-training—Benefit for Health or Not 负荷训练——对健康是否有益87

Day 207 Faced with Pressure 面对压力91

Day 208 The Development of Toys 玩具的发展95

Day 209 Simplify Your Life 简化你的生活99

Day 210 Fear Mechanism 恐惧机制103

Day 211 Violence of the Media 媒体暴力108

Day 212 Worrying Drug Prices 令人担忧的药价113

Day 213 The Privileges for the Senior Citizen—Discount 老年人的特权——折扣118

Day 214 Amazing Rainforest Soils 神奇的雨林土壤123

Day 215 The Cure for Seasonal Depression 季节性抑郁症的治疗128

Day 216 How to Deal with Electronic Trash 如何处理电子垃圾133

Day 217 Stop Terrorists at the Border 将恐怖分子挡在境外138

Day 218 Private Lives Leaked out 个人隐私泄漏143

Day 219 Career Women and Marriage 职业女性与婚姻149

Day 220 Human Nature 人性154

Day 221 What Tears Do Good for Us? 眼泪对我们有什么好处?158

Day 222 Vitamin 维生素163

Day 223 Being Thin Is Healthy? 瘦即是健康吗?168

Day 224 Human Violence 人类暴力172

Day 225 Debunking a Medical Treatment 揭穿医疗骗局176

Day 226 Is the World's Environment Healthy or Not? 世界环境健康与否?181

Day 227 Rubbish's Recycling 垃圾回收185

Unit2 文化剪影190

Day 228 Pay Attention to Girl's Education 关注女孩教育190

Day 229 Teach Your Children How to Say Sorry 教育孩子如何道歉194

Day 230 Early Childhood Education 儿童早期教育198

Day 231 Signed Languages 手语202

Day 232 Intelligent People 聪明人206

Day 233 The Serious Use of the Word "Opinion" 慎用“观点”一词210

Day 234 Children Stride Adulthood 儿童成人化214

Day 235 The Time Crunch Children Face 孩子们面临的时间危机218

Day 236 Students Become More Materialistic 学生们变得更加功利222

Day 237 Decline in American's Moral Standards 美国道德标准下滑226

Day 238 Business-Leaders-to-Be's Morality 未来商业领导者的道德230

Day 239 American Dream—Success 美国梦——成功235

Day 240 Choosing Single Life 选择单身生活240

Day 241 Flaw on U.S. Education Practice in Math and Science 美国数学和科学教育的缺陷245

Day 242 Extraordinary Gifted Students 超级天才学生250

Day 243 Special Forms of Teaching 独特的教学方式255

Day 244 A Challenge to MBA 对工商管理硕士学位的质疑260

Day 245 Story about Halloween 万圣节的故事265

Day 246 Storm of Intelligence Testing 智力测试风波269

Day 247 Culture Difference 文化差异273

Day 248 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节277

Unit 3 时代“经”英282

Day 249 The Development of Potato Chips 薯片的发展282

Day 250 Seek a Raise 要求加薪286

Day 251 Americans' Business Spirit 美国人的商业精神290

Day 252 The Revengeful Consumer 报复的顾客294

Day 253 How to Seek Career Abroad 如何在海外求职298

Day 254 Welfare Reform in America 美国的福利改革302

Day 255 Downswing in Rail System 铁路系统衰落305

Day 256 Modern Public Relations 现代公共关系309

Day 257 Globalization 全球一体化313

Day 258 Different Business Cultures 不同的企业文化318

Day 259 Over-consumption and Environmental Problem 过度消费与环境问题323

Unit4 未来时空328

Day 260 Avoid the Cars Being Stolen 汽车防盗328

Day 261 Houses of New Style 新型房屋332

Day 262 To Be a Versatile Talent 做一个复合型人才336

Day 263 Underwater Listening Devices 水下监听系统340

Day 264 Future Traffic 未来的交通344

Day 265 Global Warming 全球变暖348

Day 266 Optical Illusion Cuts Highway Crashes 视觉错觉减少交通事故353

Day 267 Asteroids Threat Life on Earth 小行星威胁地球生命356

Day 268 The Biotech Industry,Agree or Disagree? 转基因工程,赞成还是反对?359

Day 269 The Cloning Dog 克隆狗365

Day 270 Virtual Reality in Medicine 医学中的虚拟现实370

Day 271 The Change of Transport 交通工具的转变375

Day 272 Mars 火星380

Day 273 A New Type Contact Lens 新型隐形眼镜384

Day 274 Security of Net 网络安全388

Day 275 Radiation Affects Airline Navigation 辐射影响飞机导航393
