
- (美)芭芭拉·斯佩曼(Barbara A. Spellman),(美)丹妮尔·韦林汉姆(Daniel T 著
- 出版社: 北京:北京师范大学出版社
- ISBN:730308729X
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:255页
- 文件大小:11MB
- 文件页数:265页
- 主题词:认知心理学-研究-进展-英文
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第一编 视知觉1
Visual Perception3
无意知盲:看却没有看见 Arien Mack6
Inattentional Blindness:Looking Without Seeing7
重叠与差异:视觉表象与视知觉 Marlene Behrmann18
The Mind's Eye Mapped Onto the Brain's Matter19
联觉:强的与弱的 Gail Martino and Lawrence E.Marks30
Synesthesia:Strong and Weak31
第二编 记忆41
想象与记忆 Maryanne Garry and Devon L.L.Polaschek45
Imagination and Memory46
揭开创伤性记忆的秘密:实验研究的证据 Richard J.McNally55
Recovering Memories of Trauma:A View From the Laboratory56
让小组头脑风暴变得更有效:从联想式记忆的观点提出的建议 Vincent R.Brown and Paul B.Paulus66
Making Group Brainstorming More Effective:Recommendations From an Associative Memory Perspective67
第三编 联想学习与因果推理77
Associative Learning and Causal Reasoning79
蛇是可怕的:进化过程中形成的恐惧信号 Arne ?hman and Susan Mineka81
The Malicious Serpent:Snakes as a Prototypical Stimulus for an Evolved Module of Fear82
控制错觉:我们在多大程度上高估了自己的作用 Suzanne C.Thompson91
Illusions of Control:How We Overestimate Our Personal Influence92
可能性何时变成了现实:反事实假设的作用 Barbara A.Spellman and David R.Mandel100
When Possibility Informs Reality:Counterfactual Thinking as a Cue to Causality101
第四编 问题解决与决策111
Solving Problems and Making Decisions113
科学发现的过程:心理学家的发现 David Klahr and Herbert A.Simon115
What Have Psychologists(And Others)Discovered About the Process of Scientific Discovery?116
无意识的顿悟 Robert S.Siegler127
Unconscious Insights128
情绪预测影响选择 Barbara A.Mellers and A.Peter McGraw137
Anticipated Emotions as Guides to Choice138
他人意见的好处 Ilan Yaniv149
The Benefit of Additional Opinions150
第五编 语言161
依赖统计的语言学习:机制与局限 Jenny R.Saffran166
Statistical Language Learning:Mechanisms and Constraints167
词汇意义的学习与表达:潜在语义分析理论 Thomas K.Landauer178
Learning and Representing Verbal Meaning:The Latent Semantic Analysis Theory179
语言理解中的“足够好”原则 Fernanda Ferreira,Karl G.D.Bailey,and Vittoria Ferraro188
Good-Enough Representations in Language Comprehension189
情境模型:投身于想象的世界中 Rolf A.Zwaan199
Situation Models:The Mental Leap Into Imagined Worlds200
第六编 心理与脑209
Minds and Brains211
心理学与生物学:讲和吧 Gregory A.Miller and Jennifer Keller213
Psychology and Neuroscience:Making Peace214
大脑活动的自动化整合 Matthew Roser and Michael S.Gazzaniga224
Automatic Brains——Interpretive Minds225
对类人猿心理能力的重新思考 Daniel J.Povinelli and Jesse M.Bering234
The Mentality of Apes Revisited235
通过投射了解别人:一种有效但有时会出现错误的方法 Raymond S.Nickerson245
The Projective Way of Knowing:A Useful Heuristic That Sometimes Misleads246
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