
西方语言学丛书 15 语言类型学【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

西方语言学丛书 15 语言类型学
  • (新西兰)宋在晶著 著
  • 出版社: 北京市:北京大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787301147351
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:406页
  • 文件大小:103MB
  • 文件页数:440页
  • 主题词:类型学(语言学)-英文


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1 Introducing linguistic typology1

1.1 What do linguistic typologists study?1

1.2 Typological analysis4

1.3 Typology of language universals6

1.4 Language universals and linguistic typology8

1.5 Assumptions and problems in typological analysis9

1.5.1 Cross-linguistic comparability10

1.5.2 The Principle of Uniformitarianism15

1.5.3 Approaches to language sampling17

1.5.4 Determining language sample sizes32

1.5.5 Problems with data39

1.6 Partial typology vs.holistic typology41

1.7 Organization of the rest of the book45

2 Basic word order49

2.1 What is basic word order?49

2.2 Early research on basic word order52

2.2.1 The inception of word order typology52

2.2.2 The OV-VO typology56

2.2.3 Making language universals exceptionless68

2.3 Explaining the distribution of the basic clausal word orders78

2.4 Back to the OV-VO typology:the Branching Direction Theory85

2.5 Seeking a global explanation:the Early Immediate Constituents Theory99

2.6 From word order to morpheme order:the suffixing preference119

2.7 Closing remarks133

3 Case marking138

3.1 Introduction138

3.2 A,S and P,and types of case marking140

3.2.1 Nominative-accusative system142

3.2.2 Ergative-absolutive system143

3.2.3 Tripartite system145

3.2.4 AP/S system146

3.2.5 Neutral system146

3.3 More types of case marking147

3.3.1 Split-ergative system147

3.3.2 Active-stative system150

3.3.3 Direct-inverse system153

3.4 Distribution of the case marking systems155

3.5 The discriminatory view of case marking156

3.6 The indexing view of case marking159

3.7 The discriminatory view vs.the indexing view165

3.8 The Nominal Hierarchy and the split-ergative system167

3.9 Towards a unified explanation:attention flow and viewpoint170

3.10 Ergativity from discourse to grammar178

3.11 Case marking in altered or non-basic constructions181

3.11.1 Passive182

3.11.2 Antipassive184

3.11.3 Noun incorporation187

3.11.4 Advancement of obliques to P190

3.12 Syntactic ergativity194

3.13 Head marking vs.dependent marking197

3.14 Case marking type and word order type202

4 Relative clauses211

4.1 Introduction211

4.2 The position of the head noun vis-à-vis the restricting clause212

4.3 Expression of the head noun216

4.3.1 The obliteration strategy217

4.3.2 The pronoun-retention strategy218

4.3.3 The relative-pronoun strategy219

4.3.4 Language-internal distribution of the relativization strategies220

4.4 Accessibility Hierarchy: accessibility to relativization222

4.5 Conspiracy in relativization227

4.6 Correlations between RC-related properties232

4.7 The head noun in the main clause235

4.8 Subject primacy vs.discourse preferences in relativization237

4.9 RC type and word order type241

4.10 The role of processing in the distribution of RC types245

4.11 The AH and structural complexity253

5 Causatives257

5.1 Introduction257

5.2 The morphologically based typology of causative constructions259

5.3 The syntax of the causee NP:the Case Hierarchy263

5.4 Conspiracy in causativization268

5.5 Doubling:coding vs.grammatical relation271

5.6 Causation types and causative types275

5.7 The case marking of the causee NP283

5.8 The conceptual integration of the causee in the causative event286

5.9 Towards a typology of causative constructions292

6 The application of linguistic typology297

6.1 Introduction297

6.2 Linguistic typology and historical linguistics298

6.2.1 Early attempts at word order reconstruction300

6.2.2 Linguistic typology as a control on,and a tool in,reconstruction305

6.2.3 Linguistic typology and linguistic prehistory312

6.3 Linguistic typology and language acquisition318

6.3.1 Accessibility to relativization in FLA320

6.3.2 Accessibility to relativization in SLA326

6.3.3 Two potential FLA/SLA areas of application333

6.3.4 Closing remarks334

7 European approaches to linguistic typology338

7.1 Introduction338

7.2 The Leningrad Typology Group340

7.3 The Cologne UNITYP Group345

7.4 The Prague School Typology350

7.5 Epilogue356


Autbor Index383

Language Index388

Subject Index392
