
- 黎国雄编译 著
- 出版社: 新联书社
- 出版时间:1980
- 标注页数:369页
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Business Letter-Writing 商业书信书写方法2
Some Rules of Good Writing 怎样写得好2
1.Study your reader's interest 研究收信者的兴趣2
2.Adopt the right tone 使用适当语气2
3.Write naturally and sincerely 诚恳和自然地书写2
5.Be courteous and considerate 要客气和体谅人3
6.Avoid wordiness 避免字句累赘3
4.Write clearly to the point 清楚地写出要点3
7.Avoid commercial jargon 避用陈旧商业术语5
8.Write effectively 有效地书写6
9.Plan your letter 编排要点的先后次序7
10.Pay attention to first and last impressions 由此至终要给人良好印象8
11.Check your letters 复阅9
Telegrams and Letter Telegrams 电报与书信电报9
Structure of Business Letter 商业书信结构12
1.Heading 开端12
2.Date 日期12
3.Inside name and address 收信人姓名与通讯地址13
4.Salutation 称呼14
5.Body of the letter 信的本文14
6.Complimentary closure 结语14
7.Signature 签署17
Miscelllaneous Items 其他事项19
Letter Promoting Good Will 促进交往书信21
Greating Good Will 塑造好感21
Supplier's letter with a friendly tone 供应商的友善回覆21
Letter tactfully refusing a request for credit 婉拒赊帐要求的回信 22
Letter regretting need to increase prices 调整价格致歉函24
Letter explaining delayed reply 回信解释阻延25
Letter of Congratulation 祝贺书信26
Formal letter of congratulation upon a promotion 祝贺升职26
Letter of Thanks 致谢书信27
Letter of thanks for a first order 致谢首宗定货27
Letter of thanks for a large order 致谢大宗定单28
Letter of thanks for prompt settlement of accounts 致谢迅速结帐 29
Letter of thanks for information received 致谢惠赐资料29
Letter of thanks for a service performed 致谢效劳30
Letter of condolence to a customer 客户丧母致唁………………3lLetter of condolence to a neighbour 唁慰邻居丧夫31
Letter of Condolence and Sympathy 吊慰信31
Letter of sympathy to a business associate 慰问同业32
Letter of condolence to a business associate 唁慰同业33
Enquiries and Replies 函询与回覆35
General Enquiries and Replies 一般函询与覆信35
An enquiry for office equipment,with demonstration 函询文仪器材,并请安排示范35
A tabulated enquiry for information 用表列式书函查询资料38
“First”Enquiries and Replies “首次”函询与回覆40
A“First”enquiry for textiles “首次”函询纺织品40
A“First”enquiry from a foreign importer 外商“首次”函询43
Catalogues and Price-lists 货目册与价格表45
Routine requests for catalogues not requiring written replies 无需回覆的索取货目册信件45
Request for catalogue by a private customer 私人索取货目册46
Patterns and Samples 花式与货样48
Request for samples 索取样品48
Goods“On approval” 试销货品50
Request for goods to be sent“On approval” 请求试销货品50
Request for Goncessions 要求特别优惠52
Request for special terms 要求特惠条件52
Letter declining request for reduction in prices 婉拒减低定价要求55
Supplier's offer to send his representative 供应商派遣营业代表56
Visit by Travellers 推销员探访56
Quotations 报价单59
Request for quotation for printing paper 索取纸张报价单59
Request for quotation for crockery 索取陶器报价单61
Firm Offers 确定发价64
Confirmation of telephone offer 证实电话报价64
Quotation for curtain material 窗帘材料的报价65
Quotation in Tabulated Form 表格式报价单66
Covering Letter with Tabulated Quotation 表格式报价单的附函66
Quotations and Other Offers not Accepted 报价及其他出价不获接受Buyer rejects seller's quotation 买家拒接受卖家报价68
Seller grants request for better terms 卖家准予改善条款69
Seller rejects request for better terms 卖家拒绝改善买卖条款71
Orders and Their Fulfilment 定单及其履行75
Placing the Order 发出定单75
Routine orders 例行定单75
Orders based on seller's quotations 基于卖家报价定单76
Orders from new customer 新客户定单77
Order with conditions attached 附带条件的定单78
Acknowledging the Order 认收定单80
Formal acknowledgement of routine order 一般定单的正式认收80
Acknowledgement of a“first”order 认收“首宗”定单81
Seller notifies delay in delivery 卖家通知货运延滞82
Acknowledgement of safe delivery 货物安全到达通知82
Declining the Order 拒受定单83
Seller refuses to extend credit 卖家拒绝延长赊帐83
Seller has no available stock 卖家欠缺存货84
Suppliers'Counter-offers 供应商还价85
Seller sends a substitute article 卖家送上代用品85
Notification of goods despatched 货物运出通知87
Packing and Despatch 装箱和发运87
Seller offers goods“On Approval” 卖家提供试销货品87
Goods supplied“On Approval” 供应试销货品87
Report of damage in transit 运载途中损坏报告88
Report of non-delivery of goods 货物尚未到达报告89
Invoicing and Settlement of Accounts 发票与清理帐项92
Invoices and Adjustments 发票及其核算92
Seller sends invoice 卖家寄出发票92
Debit and Credit Notes 借项清单及贷方票据93
Seller sends debit note 卖家寄出借项清单93
Buyer requests credit note 买家请求发回贷方票据95
Seller refuses request for credit note 卖家拒绝发出贷方票据97
Seller sends statement of account 卖家发出决算报告书99
Statement of Account 结算报告表99
Buyer reports errors in statement 买家报告决算表有错误101
Varyingthe Terms of payment 更改结帐条款102
Customer requests time to pay 客户要求延期付款102
Seller questions partial payment 卖家质询未清付帐项106
Seller disallows discount deduction 卖家不允减低折扣107
Methods of Payment 结帐方法108
Letter enclosing payment(and acknowledgement)邮寄帐款(及认收)108
Seller asks customer to select terms of payment 卖家请求客户选择结帐条款109
Payment by bank cheque(and acknowledgement) 银行支票结帐(与认收)110
Payment Through the Bank 透过银行结帐110
Payment by credit transfer 过户付款111
Payment by banker's draft 银行汇票付款112
CHAPTER Ⅷ 第八章114
Letters Requesting Payment 收帐书信114
Late Payments 过期付款114
Customer explains late payment 客户解释逾期结帐114
Customer explains inability to pay 客户解释无法结帐114
Gollection Letters 收帐书信116
A printed collection letter 印备催款函116
First application for payment 首次催款函117
Reminder to customer who has not paid yet 催结帐款备忘录119
Second application for payment 再次催款函120
Third application for payment 第三次催款函123
CHAPTER Ⅸ 第九章127
Credit and Status Enquiries 信用及经济地位查询127
Reasons for Credit 给予信用记帐的原因127
Disadvantages of Gredit 记帐的缺点127
Request for Credit 请求给予信用记帐127
Customer requests open-account terms 客户要求记帐交易条款127
Seller requests references 卖家要求证明书129
Business References 商业证明书129
Customer supplies trade references 客户提供贸易证明书131
Customer supplies a banker's reference 客户提供银行证明书 132
Status Enquiries 经济地位查询133
Seller takes up trade references 卖家查询贸易证明书133
Trader's replies to credit information enquiries 贸易商回覆信用资料查询135
Seller takes up bank reference 卖家查询银行证明书137
Banker's replies to credit information enquiry 银行回覆信用资料查询139
Seller refers to credit enquiry agency 卖家咨询信用调查机构140
Agency's replies to credit information enquiry 调查机构回覆信用资料咨询141
Complaints Concerning Delivery 有关交货投诉146
2.Dealing with a complaint 处理投诉146
Complaint concerning frequent late deliveries 投诉经常逾期交货146
Complaints and Adjustments 投诉及其处理146
How to Handle Complaints 怎样处理投诉146
CHAPTER Ⅹ 第十章146
1.Making a complaint 进行投诉146
Complaint concerning non-delivery 投诉货未送到148
Customer's complaint not accepted 不接纳客户投诉152
Complaints Concerning the Goods 有关货物投诉153
Complaint concerning goods not to sample 投诉货不对办153
Complaint concerning quality 投诉货物质量欠佳155
Complaints concerning quantity 有关货物数量投诉159
Cancellation of order through delay in delivery 逾期交货取消定单160
Cancelling the Order 取消定单160
Buyer seeks to cancel order 买家要求取消定单161
Seller agrees to cancel order 卖家同意取消定单162
Seller declines to cancel order 卖家拒绝取消定单164
CHAPTER Ⅺ 第十一章167
Agencies 代理商号167
Applications for Agencies 申请代理权167
Application for local agency 申请本地代理权167
Application from foreign commission agent 申请为外商代理人171
Application for sole agency 申请为独家代理172
Offer to act as del credere agent 自荐为保证收取货款代理175
Manufacturer's confirmation of agency terms 制造商确定代理条款177
Offer of Agencies 征聘代理182
Offer of a town agency 征聘某市代理182
Offer of an overseas agency 征聘海外代理184
Offer of a del credere agency 征聘保证收取货款代理187
Correspondence with Agents 代理商来往通讯188
Agent to visit prospective customer 代理商拜会客户188
Agent recommends credits dealings 代理商建议记帐式买卖190
Agent complains of slow delivery 代理商投诉交货缓慢192
Agent rejects an order 代理商拒受定单193
Principal complains of poor sales 主顾投诉销路欠佳194
CHAPTER Ⅻ 第十二章198
Foreign Trade 对外贸易198
Foreign Correspondence 对外通讯198
1.The exporter's correspondence 出口商通讯内容198
2.The importer's correspondence 入口商通讯内容198
Export Procedure 货物出口程序198
Enquiry for f.o.b.quotation 查询船上交货价198
(a)Agent acknowledges order 代理商认收定单200
An export transaction 出口交易200
(b)Agent requests quotation from manufacturers 代理商查询制造商货价201
(c)Agent writes to shipping line 代理商接洽航运公司202
(d)Agent sends advice of shipment 代理商寄发船运通知202
(e)Agent passesdocuments to banker 代理商将货运文件交托银行204
(f)Buyer acknowledges consignment 买家认收货物204
Goods on Consignment 托销货物207
Offer of goods “On Consignment” 供应“托销货物”207
Request for goods“On Consignment” 请求代销售“托销货物”209
Agent submits account sales 代理商提交销货单212
Agent complains of poor quality goods 代理商投诉货物质量粗劣214
Indents 购买委托书219
Buyer instructs commission house 买家指示经纪行办货219
CHAPTER ⅩⅢ 第十三章224
Banking 银行事务224
The Kinds of Bank Account 银行户口种类224
Bank Current Accounts 银行来往户口224
Request to open an account 申请开设户口224
Transfer from current to deposit account 来往户口存款转为定期存款224
Drawer stops payment of cheque 发票人停止兑现支票225
Bank Loans and Overdrafts 银行贷款及透支226
Request for loan without security 请求免抵押贷款226
Request for extension of loan 请求延长贷款期227
Request for overdraft facilities 申请透支服务228
Letter of Credit 信用状231
A traveller's letter of credit 旅行信用状231
Circular letter of credit 巡回信用状232
Payment in Foreign Trade 对外贸易结帐234
Bankers'Drafbt 银行汇票234
Request for payment by banker's draft 请求以银行汇票付款234
Bankers'Transfers(Mail,Telex and Telegraphic transfers) 银行汇兑(邮汇与电汇)Payment by telegraphic transfer 电汇付款236
Bills of Exchange 汇票237
Payment by bill of exchange 汇票付款237
Bill dishonoured at maturity 汇票到期不兑现238
Promissory Notes 期票239
Payment by promissory note 以期票付款239
Bankers'Commercial Gredits 银行商业信贷240
Importer opens a credit for exporter入口商替出口商要求借贷240
Documentary Bills 押汇243
Documentary bill presented through bank 透过银行押汇243
Exporter's letter to importer 出口商致入口商书函244
Documentary bill sent through exporter’s bank 经出口商银行寄运货运文件245
Documentary bill sent direct to importer's bank 直接发给入口商银行的货运押汇汇票246
Enquiry for freight rates 询问货运收费率247
Documents Used 运输文件247
CHAPTER ⅩⅣ 第十四章247
Types of Carrier 运输行种类247
Transport 运输247
Request for carrier to call 请运输公司派人取货248
Buyer notifies receipt of goods 买家通知收到货物249
Liners and Tramps 定期与不定期货轮251
Enquiry for sailings and freight rates 询问航运收费率251
Shipping and Forwarding Agents 装运代理253
Advice of shipment to forwarding agent in buyer's country 通知买家的运送行货物运出253
Advice of shipment to buyer 通知买家货物已运出255
Supplier seeks forwarding agent's services 供应商寻求运送服务256
Forwarding agent seeks buyer's instructions 运送代理人征询买家指示257
Container Service 货柜服务259
Request for information on container service 索取货权服务资料259
Ghartering of Ships 租借货轮261
Enquiry for a time charter 查询定期租船261
Enquiry for a voyage charter 查询按次租船262
Enquiry for air freight rates 询问空运收费率264
2.Goods sent by sea 货物海运266
Enquiries for Insurance Rates 查询保险收费率266
1.Furniture removal 搬运傢俬266
CHAPTER ⅩⅤ 第十五章266
Insurance 保险266
3.Cash in transit 解款267
4.Request for special rate 要求特惠保率268
Request to brokers to arrange insurance 请求经纪安排保险268
Insurance Premiums 保险费269
Request for reduction in premium 请求降低保费269
Householder's Policies 业主物业保险271
Application for householder's insurance 申请业主物业综合保险271
Request for cover pending issue of policy 请求在待发保单前受保272
Temporary Cover 暂时承保272
Claims 索偿274
Claim for damage by fire 火险索偿274
Insurer declines to meet claim in full 保险商拒绝全数赔偿276
Buyer requests seller to make claim 买主要求卖家代为索偿277
Claim for damage to house property 室内财产损坏索偿278
Claim for injury to workman 工人受伤索偿280
Marine Insurance 海上保险282
Request for an all-risks policy 要求全保282
Floating Policies(Open Policies) 流动保险(预定保险)Enquirics for open policy terms 查询预定保险条款283
Declaration of shipment off open policy 预定保险装船通告284
Application for an open policy 申请预定保险284
Renewal of an open policy 延续预定保险285
CHAPTER ⅩⅥ 第十六章287
Personnel 人事书信287
Letters of Introductions 介绍信287
Letter introducing the firm's buyer 介绍商号买手287
Letter introducing an agent 介绍代理商288
Letter introducing persons seeking employment 谋职介绍信289
Letters of Application 应征信292
Letter of application,with resume 附履历应征函292
Application with subject heading 附有提纲应征函297
Application answering an advertisement 应征广告职位298
Application for computer training 应征接受电脑训练299
Application using an introduction 友人介绍应征函301
Enquiring if there is a vacancy 函询有无空缺302
An unsolicited application 自荐函303
References andTestimonials 介绍与保荐书306
Letters taking up references 索取工作证明书306
Ex-employee requesting testimonial 前雇员请发证明书308
A common testimonial 一般离职证明书309
Favourable testimonial-departmental manager 赞界荐书——部门经理309
Cashier 出纳员310
Teacher 教师311
Former Student 前学生312
Unfavourable testimonials 欠恭维荐书314
Termination of Employment 解雇书信315
Employee terminates engagement 雇员终止聘约315
Employer terminates engagement 雇主解雇函316
Transfer of employee to other work 调职318
Request for increase in salary 要求调整薪金319
Interviews 会面320
Invitation to attend for interview 邀请会面320
Recruitment of staff through an agency 委托荐人馆聘请职员321
Letter confirming offer of appointment 证实取录323
Offers of Appointments 提供职位323
Letter offering appointments 提供职位324
CHAPTER ⅩⅦ 第十七章327
Miscellaneous Correspondence 其他各类通讯327
Circular Letters 通告书函327
Business Organizations 商业机构327
Opening of new business 开业通告327
Expansion of existing business 扩张营业328
Removal to new premises 迁址通告329
Transfer to new owner 顶让通知329
Discontinuation of business 停止营业331
Admission of a new partner 增加新合夥人332
Partnerships 合夥公司332
Retirement of a partner 合夥人退休333
Dissolution of a partnership 拆夥通告334
Voluntary Offers 自动提议336
Offer to a former customer 向旧客户供销336
Offer to a newly established trader 向新开张商户供销337
Offer to a regular customer 向常客供销338
Offer of a demonstration 展览宣传339
Offer of a quality product 供销优质产品340
Enquiries concerning flights 查询飞行班次……………………34lReservafion of seat on plane 预定机票344
Travels and Hotels 旅游及酒店344
Enquiry concerning sea journey 查询航程345
Reservation of berths on ship 预定船票345
Reserving accommodation 预定酒店346
Miscellaneous Matters 其他事项347
Request for payment of late subscription 请求补交订阅费347
Letter declining invitation 婉拒邀请348
Personal letter declining invitation 婉拒私人邀请349
Appendix 附录350
Commercial Abbreviations 商业缩写350
Glossary 字汇359
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